Obama To End War, Weapons And Weather

There still are wars to end.  Violent extremism remains out there and has to be confronted and deadly weapons still have to be contained.

And all of us have to be concerned about a changing climate that could have a profound impact on every single country here.

Obama: Sandy Hook shooting reminds us of big struggles, such as climate change | WashingtonExaminer.com

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama To End War, Weapons And Weather

  1. lance says:

    Jobs, Jobs, Jobs….oh hang on, politians don’t toot that line anymore, as they failed miserably…so stopping that thunderstorm is the next big gig….

  2. Sundance says:

    We will be bombarded by the media 24/7 with Obama portrayed as the savior of humanity.Obama has inspired his followers, many who are incapable of help or care themselves and needing government help, that they can help others so they end up being as delusional as he is. 🙂

  3. Andy says:

    He should start off smaller, like trying to sort out a cliff made out of pure fiscal.

    He can’t even seem to do that at the moment.


  4. Robertv says:

    Obambi is THE END

  5. I’m surprised he hasn’t floated a “Sandy” theory — maybe his first trial “Obama Doomsday Prophecy” — since the word has been so good for him in the last two months. He is letting a perfectly good “Sandy crisis” go to waste. Noticed how all the “science” has floated away, and it’s just delusional activists now. But we haven’t hit absolute bottom of this political fraud yet, by any means.

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