Nixon : “LBJ Never Likes Being #2”


Fifty years since Kennedy was assassinated in ……. Texas


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Nixon : “LBJ Never Likes Being #2”

  1. gator69 says:

    Stephen, if you have not read this, you should. The author has some incredibly incriminating evidence to offer.

  2. omnologos says:

    Obama didn’t leave after 35 months, otherwise he would’ve been sanctified by now too. LBJ could work with Congress in a way few other Presidents have ever been able to.

  3. emmaliza says:

    Read the recently published book “Dr. Feelgood” for the truth about Kennedy. His personal physician always made sure he was high on meth for any and all meetings, including the debate in 1960. Kennedy was a cripple passed off on Americans as hearty and robust. His election was fraudulent thanks to the mafia of which his father was a part. Even Wikipedia documents the fraud that won the election. When JFK turned against the mob, thanks to his brother, they were not happy with him. Who killed the prez? Who knows, since a mobster killed Oswald before he could talk. Will the truth ever be exposed? Like why did the medics at the hospital in Dallas show more bullet wounds than the ‘official’ report at the govt hospital where the body was carried? At this point, what difference does it make, since LBJ rammed through the entire socialist agenda of Kennedy’s soon after his death.

    • Dan says:

      The socialist agenda was LBJ’s. Read enough books on him and you will understand. He used the memory of JFK to strong arm Congress into giving him everything he wanted. LBJ was a lifelong fan of FDR.

  4. Larry Fields says:

    emmaliza says:
    November 22, 2013 at 11:30 pm
    “At this point, what difference does it make, since LBJ rammed through the entire socialist agenda of Kennedy’s soon after his death.”

    What about the Kennedy-inspired tax cut of 1964? The rate in the top bracket went from 91% to 70%. Was that socialist too?

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