Daily Archives: November 10, 2013

1952 Shock News : Polar Ice Caps Melting At An Astonishing Rate – Seaports To Drown

Barrier Miner  Monday 18 February 1952 Polar Ice Caps Melt New York, Sunday  Polar Icecaps were melting at an astonishing rate, Dr. W. S Carlson said. The water from them threatened to swamp seaports by raising ocean levels, he added.  Dr. Carlson, president of the … Continue reading

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No Indication Of Sea Level Rise In Miami

The beach is much wider now than it was in the 1950’s, and there is no indication of any sea level rise over the last 60 years at Miami Beach. 1950’s Aerial Photo of Miami Beach, ca. 1950’s. Claims that … Continue reading

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Florida Sea Level Rising At 1 mm/year

Satellites show that sea level is rising very slowly around Florida, about 1 mm/year, or four inches per century. ssh_anomaly.nc: Twitter / TheDailyClimate: fm @MiamiHerald Prepping for …

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US : Six Of The Ten Hottest Years Came During The 1930s

Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ There are 863 US HCN stations which have been continuously active since at least 1930. The six hottest years (measured by number of all-time daily records at those stations) all came during the 1930’s. Note that 2012 looks like … Continue reading

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1935 – Most Powerful Hurricane In US History

http://trove.nla.gov.au/ 15 Oct 1935 – FLOODS IN CHINA THOUSANDS OF LIVES LOST REFUGEES… 12 Apr 1935 – DUST BLAST AGAIN SWEEPS MID-WEST U.S.A. Last Hop… http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/2392462? 17 Jan 1935 – COLD IN INDIA. UNPRECEDENTED CONDITIONS. Hundred… http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/29178681? 04 Jan 1935 … Continue reading

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March 1936, One Fourth Of The US Flooded – 1,000 Dead

1936 was the most extreme weather year in US history. 20 Mar 1936 – ALL EASTERN AMERICA UNDER FLOOD WATERS Terrible… This came right after the coldest February on record, and right before the hottest summer on record in the … Continue reading

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Damage From Hurricane Camille

Peak sustained surface winds in Camille were measured at 190 MPH, before the gauge broke. Estimates have it over 200 MPH. Camille came days after the first Moon landing, and history was largely lost in the euphoria.

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Dancing On The Graves Of The Dead

Many people died in the Philippines this week in a storm, which is cynically and quite expectedly being used to push the global warming agenda. It is important that the remaining seven billion people on Earth don’t suffer loss of … Continue reading

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Fox News Says That 147 MPH Winds Are Among The Strongest Ever Recorded

Weather officials said Haiyan had sustained winds of 147 mph with gusts of 170 mph when it made landfall. By those measurements, Haiyan would be comparable to a strong Category 4 hurricane in the U.S., nearly in the top category, … Continue reading

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Area Of Arctic Sea Ice More Than Three Years Old Has More Than Doubled Since 2009

The area of ice more than three years old, is 221% of what it was in week 36, 2009.

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