Daily Archives: November 6, 2013

Climate Scientists Recycling The Same Sea Level Nonsense From 35 Years Ago

Thirty-five years ago this month, climate scientists told us that we were all going to drown unless we ran our cars off solar cells. The Telegraph-Herald – Nov 22, 1978 If the world keeps burning more oil. natural gas and coal. It … Continue reading

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Obama Record Keeping

We have learned during the past few months that Obama has access to everybody’s private records – except for his own. It took him 51 years to find his birth certificate, and he still hasn’t found his college transcripts or … Continue reading

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Global Sea Ice Area Seventh Highest On Record For The Date – Closing In On The All Time Record

Climate experts tell us that the poles are melting down at unprecedented rates, and it is your fault. Meanwhile, back in the real world – global sea ice area is the seventh highest on record for the date, the highest … Continue reading

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600% Increase In Five Year Old Ice Since Week 37 Last Year

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Shock News : 2012 Was Just An Outlier

It turns out that 2012 temperatures were not the “new normal” after all. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/

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King George Complains About The Tea Party

In 1773, the Tea Party revolted in Boston Harbor – angry about taxation without representation. A few years later they formed their own country. The head of the Colorado Democratic Party blamed Tea Party Republicans in an interview with MSNBC … Continue reading

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Global Sea Level Trend – 1.08 mm/year

NOAA keeps records on 199 tide gauges which have been active this century. The average sea level rise rate is 1.08 mm/year for that set of gauges – one third of the claimed University of Colorado 3.2 mm/year trend. Eighty-six … Continue reading

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Press Announces 2016 Presidential Nominees

The Communist News Networks have spared us the trouble of voting, and have announced that the respective nominees will be Chris Christie and Hillary Clinton. The next president will be Hillary Clinton in a closer than expected election. This important … Continue reading

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Reduced To Witchcraft

Twitter / afreedma: Why Florida is so screwed when … An asteroid impact would also be bad, as would nuclear war – but there hasn’t been any sea level rise in Florida recently. Interactive Sea Level Time Series Wizard | … Continue reading

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Secret Service Agent : “It’s worse than people know”

[youtube=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nfA7IyL1pk] The President sees government …  as this shiny new toy. For all the disagreements I had with Clinton, Carter and Bush there were always limits… there was that line you just didn’t cross… We cross it seemingly every day. … Continue reading

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