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Daily Archives: December 6, 2012
Things That Could Happen
The earth could heat 5C in the next 90 years Monkeys could fly out my ass Ancient aliens could have built the pyramids Sea level could rise a metre this century Bill Clinton could stop committing adultery Barack Obama could stop lying Al Gore … Continue reading
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Photograph High Tides
Australian Climate Madness reports on some top class stupidity. We need coastal communities around Australia to take a photo or two as part of the Witness King Tides project. Your photos of the king tide will build a picture of … Continue reading
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McKibben Tells Students That Being A Pig-Headed Immoral Hypocrite Is The Only Way To Be
A divestment campaign aimed at fossil fuel companies has swept college campuses across the country since it began just four weeks ago, catching university presidents by surprise. The effort is the result of a student-led campaign coordinated by 350.org, a climate … Continue reading
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What If The World Was Heating Out Of Control, And The IPCC Didn’t Notice?
As of 1990, the IPCC was unaware that the planet had been heating out of control for ninety years – and that we were all going to die a fiery death. www.ipcc.ch/ipccreports/far/wg_I/ipcc_far_wg_I_full_report.pdf
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Julia’s Carbon Tax Pays Instant Benefits
It appears that Julia has saved the planet from global warming. Coldest December morning on record December 6, 2012 The mercury in Canberra plummeted to 0.3 of a degree overnight – the coldest December minimum on record. A duty forecaster … Continue reading
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Climate Change To Drown London
Postcards from the future: illustrators imagine how London could be affected by climate change Postcards from the future: illustrators imagine how London could be affected by climate change – Telegraph This could happen, because it has happened several times over … Continue reading
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Censorship Is The New Normal
Dissenting voices must be squashed! That is the Democratic way. After the news conference, and as diplomats gathered for the climate conference president’s assessment of how close countries are to agreement, Monckton quietly slipped into the seat reserved for the … Continue reading
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July, 2012 Was 4th Hottest In The US
Contrary to the BS being spouted by NOAA, July 2012 was the fourth hottest in the US after 1901, 1936 and 1934. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/
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NOAA 2012 Fraud Continues Unabated
With just more than three weeks left in the year, it’s virtually certain that 2012 will displace 1998 as the warmest year on record for the contiguous U.S. according to NOAA. The agency’s monthly State of the Climate Report, released on Thursday, shows that … Continue reading
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Sea Level Falling Around The US
MSL_Map_MERGED_Global_IB_RWT_NoGIA_Adjust.png (1403×781) Most of the US has seen little or no sea level rise over the last 20 years. Sea level is declining across the entire west coast. Some areas off the east coast have seen sharp drops in sea level. … Continue reading
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