Climate Change Causes Campus Massacre

CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — The first victim was found in the gutter of a quiet residential street, just as the killer was shedding blood again on the campus of a nearby community college.

Wielding some kind of sharp-edged weapon, he killed a community college instructor before taking his own life in front of a classroom of students.

Police wouldn’t speculate on a motive for the murder-suicide and said little about how it all developed Friday at Casper College and in a neighborhood about two miles away. They hinted, however, that the three knew each another.

Casper Police Chief Chris Walsh said an “edged weapon” was used in at least one of the killings. He didn’t say more about what type of weapon it was and whether the killer used the same weapon in all of the deaths.

News from The Associated Press

This is a climate related disaster. I had a roommate in college during the 1970s from Casper, and he told me that they had a very high suicide rate because of the constant infernal wind – which drove people nuts. It is clear that strict gun control and CO2 reductions could have prevented this knife tragedy.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Climate Change Causes Campus Massacre

  1. SMS says:

    I don’t want to make light of the tragedy in Casper (apologies now) but having lived in Rock Springs for a number of years; I was told that the wind didn’t blow in Wyoming but that Nebraska sucks. This freakish climate phenomenon was probably due to all the CO2 stored in the corn.

  2. Andy DC says:

    I am surprised about the high suicide around Casper. That area is beautiful, people friendly and you don’t feel hemmed in like you are in so many places. You could say maybe you don’ t have enough to do there, but they have the same cable TV, Internet and Burger King that you have everywhere else. So maybe it is the wind.

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    Well, the murderer turned out to be the instructor’s son, who also killed the instructor’s girlfriend.

  4. savebyj says:

    This tragedy would not have occurred if the instructor’s son did not have the possession of a knife. — The Idiot Bob Costas.

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