Monthly Archives: January 2013

If Obama Had His Way, These Two Children Might Be Dead

[youtube=] h/t to slimething Obama voted to make it a felony to defend your home with a gun.

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Background Checks For Prius Drivers

It takes about six months to get approved for a suppressor for a gun, but any idiot can drive a silent but deadly Prius. The skateboarder injured Monday night in a car crash at Marin and Tulare avenues is in … Continue reading

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Seth Borenstein : Obama Controls The Climate

his policies can lessen or worsen future projected global warming on a large scale Inauguration Weather Prediction: Obama Promise Of Warmer Temperatures Will Be Put To Test

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Europe Goes Green

In their efforts to fight global warming, Europe is painting itself white to reflect the Sun’s rays back into space – and prevent overheating. Europe-wide Next 3 Days Accumulated Snow

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2012 Finished With Record Snow Extent

Snow extent is a good proxy for how far south cold air is spreading in the winter. Week 52 Northern Hemisphere snow extent has increased by more than 170,000 Manhattans since 1979, and smashed the old record in 2012. Four of … Continue reading

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My $250,000 Donation

We started shopping at Whole Foods Market in Austin Texas, when CO2 was a very safe 350 PPM. It is by far my favorite supermarket, and I have spent well over $250,000 there over the last 20 years. Here is … Continue reading

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Ban Hammers!

Hammers kill twice as many people as all rifles in the US. All hammer sales must be banned, and a $100 billion must be allocated to start the bureau of nail, hammers and drills, to track existing hammer owners. Dallas … Continue reading

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Two Out Of Three Americans Recognize The Need To Protect themselves From The Government

Two-out-of-three Americans recognize that their constitutional right to own a gun was intended to ensure their freedom.  The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 65% of American Adults think the purpose of the Second Amendment is to make … Continue reading

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Live View Of Snow-Free Mt Snowdon

Snowdon Webcam showing current snow conditions Welsh children just won’t know what snow is. Snowdon will be snow-free in 13 years, scientists warn Thursday, 18 January 2007 Those who originally named the peak spoke as they probably found it, calling … Continue reading

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If Obama Had A Son, He Would Look Like This

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