Monthly Archives: January 2013

Republicans Wrecked Winter In Wisconsin

Where, oh where, has our winter gone? I blame Mother Nature and Republicans. Think about it. Mother Nature has decided that she wants to warm up the earth and create global warming. Republicans think global warming is nonsense. So Mother … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Demonstrates Gun Control

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Whole Foods CEO Says Obama Is A Facist

I’m sitting here eating my kale salad from Whole Foods, and saw this link on Drudge The CEO of Whole Foods compared President Obama’s health care law to “fascism” in a radio interview on Wednesday Whole Foods CEO: Health care … Continue reading

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Heavy Snow In The UK Tomorrow

[youtube=] . Another blast from the past.

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What Presidents Did In Kenya 100 Years Ago

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The Texas Safe Haven

I wonder how many guns Katherine Hayhoe owns?

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What Part Of This Is Confusing?

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Democrats Protecting Children

Twenty years ago in April, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and Eric Holder protected a couple dozen children from guns – by burning them alive. Amendment II A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of … Continue reading

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Shock News : The Second Amendment Protects America From Obama

The Supreme Court held: The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia District of Columbia v. Heller – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia If he tries to wreck the Constitution and break his oath … Continue reading

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Journal News Crime Wave Continues

The Journal News printed an interactive guide for criminals a couple of weeks ago, leading to a crime wave in the New York region. Lefties think that it is good to do stupid things, as long as they are hateful … Continue reading

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