Monthly Archives: January 2013

NRA Exposes The New Soviet Politburo


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Maryland To Ban Children’s Fingers

two six-year-old boys were suspended while playing cops and robbers during recess and using their fingers to make an imaginary gun. Parents Furious After Young Boys Suspended After Playing With Imaginary Weapon « CBS Baltimore Repressed little boys grow up … Continue reading

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Social Justice

Social Justice As soon as I see those words, I know we are dealing with a hate group. People who describe global warming as being as being a crime are simply looking for someone else to vent their hatred at. No one in … Continue reading

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“I Am Against Having A King”


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Same Old Anal Retentive Puritans – Different Neurosis

UUCF clergy and members at today’s Pray-in for Climate Change in DC (1) Timeline Photos h/t to Tom Nelson

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Who Said This?

“When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards … Continue reading

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Obama Continues To Show His Contempt For America

Let them eat cake The House of Representatives is the only hope for representation which most of America has these days. Obama is telling them that he doesn’t care about their opinion and is going to bypass them. In doing so he is … Continue reading

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Boys Love Weapons

The left has spent decades working to emasculate boys and turn them into little girls, which is likely a reason for so many psychotic teenage boys. Through most of history, people didn’t have grocery stores, so the men would either kill – … Continue reading

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Stalin Established Gun Control – Right Before He Killed 50 Million People

Soviet Russia and the Soviet Union did not abolish personal gun ownership during the initial period from 1918 to 1929, and the introduction of gun control in 1929 coincided with the beginning of Stalin’s rule. Gun control – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Time To End The CARnage

Since the Sandy Hook massacre, more than three thousand Americans have died in brutal, horrific car accidents – and tens of thousands more have been injured. I haven’t heard about anyone being killed by a rifle since then, but I … Continue reading

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