Monthly Archives: January 2013

Gun-Free Zone

This was made possible because of laws making airplanes gun free zones. The perpetrators knew that the pilots were not armed and were able to kill thousands of people with just box cutters. Instead of spending hundreds of billions of dollars on airport … Continue reading

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Jesse Jackson Explains That He Is A Complete Moron

“These semi-automatic weapons, these assault weapon, can only kill people and in fact are threats to national security. The young man who did the killing in Aurora, Colorado with the arsenal he had. He was right near the airport, right … Continue reading

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British Children Won’t Know What Real Scientists Are

After being lied to by government scientists all their life, children will grow up to believe that science is just another form of government extortion, or an extension of the mafia. UK weather: London wakes up to snow as forecast … Continue reading

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Mental Illness Affects Humans, Not Pieces of Metal

It isn’t the CO2 and it isn’t the rifles or the video games. It is the crazy people. People and weather are no different than they were 85 years ago. The Bath School disaster is the name given to three bombings in Bath Township, Michigan, on May … Continue reading

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If His Lips Are Moving, Then He Is Lying

“I believe in the Second Amendment. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away… But I am not going to take your guns away. So if you want to … Continue reading

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The Problem With The Left

Lefties are so full of conflict and self-loathing, that they welcome anyone or anything which threatens to wreck their lifestyle. This includes Fear of fossil fuels, which keep them warm and fed Electing leaders who hate them Disarming the strong sane … Continue reading

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White House Sticky Note

Seen on Obama’s refrigerator Take rifles away from US Citizens Give rifles to Mexican drug cartels to shoot US citizens Send Navy Seals to kill Osama (without rifles) Take rifles away from Benghazi  embassy Marines. Refuse military support to the … Continue reading

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It Will Be A Cold Day In Hell When Obama Gets Inaugurated For A Second term

Computer models are starting to come into agreement that a powerful arctic cold front will plunge southward Sunday, sending temperatures plummeting just in time for President Obama’s second inauguration Monday, January 21. Arctic blast may blow in for Obama’s inauguration … Continue reading

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Coal Death Trains Keeping Millions Alive

With record cold over much of the northern hemisphere, coal death trains are keeping millions of people alive. Hansen calls this inter-generational crime. People need to recognize that CO2 is keeping them warm and that they don’t need fossil fuels any more. … Continue reading

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Michael Mann Comes Up Snake Eyes

“As the globe warms, regions of the Earth that have cold winters will still have cold winters, and we will still see the random rolls of the weather dice, like we are seeing this winter,” climate scientist Michael Mann of … Continue reading

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