Monthly Archives: January 2013

Major Screw Up On My Part

[Update : Further checking shows that NOAA has not included the last four days of December in the data set, which were very cold. This could alter the outcome] I just checked over my graph and found a major mistake. Maximum temperatures … Continue reading

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Biden To Recommend New School Zone Penalties

The vice-president will recommend that it becomes a felony for anyone to have a gun within two miles of a school. This is a brilliant idea for the following reasons : Had Adam Lanza known that he could get in trouble for bringing a gun near … Continue reading

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Petition To Make The White House A Gun-Free Zone

WE PETITION THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO: Make The White House A Gun Free Zone President Obama has clearly explained why guns create danger for everyone. The only solution is to make the US a gun free zone. President Obama should … Continue reading

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NOAA Fraud Part 4 : 2012 Was Below Average For Extreme Weather

2012 ranked in the bottom half of years for record temperatures. The graph below shows the sum of record daily maximums and minimums for all GHCN HCN stations which have been continuously active since at least 1920. 1936 had more than twice … Continue reading

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British Children Won’t Know What Bare Ground Is

Europe-wide Next 3 Days Accumulated Snow Obama has healed the climate!

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McKitten Finally Reports On New England

McKitten is buried in snow in Vermont, but forgot to talk about it. Today, he finally he found a one day weather event to get excited about! Twitter / billmckibben: Top of Mt. Washington sets … Hopefully Bill will take … Continue reading

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Extending The Gun Ban – For The Public Good

Rifles killed 323 people last year in the US, so they must be confiscated. Hammers killed 600 people last year, so they must all be confiscated. Cars killed 35,000 people last year, so they must all be confiscated. Doctors killed 190,000 … Continue reading

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Engineering For Success

My politically correct post for the day. The gym where I workout is extremely well planned. The weights are behind the aerobics equipment, so while you are lifting you have a great view of women in spandex climbing steps on the stairmaster. … Continue reading

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Hayhoe Hayhoe It’s Off To Work We Go

Katherine will have to take some time off from shoveling the marde, in order to shovel her driveway in Lubbock. Weather Street:Clouds and Precipitation Forecast Movie

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NOAA Defines Beautiful Weather As Extreme

NOAA claims that 2012 was the second most extreme weather in US history, despite a record low tornado count and the longest stretch since the Civil War without a major hurricane. They accomplished this by defining mild weather as extreme. I spent … Continue reading

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