Monthly Archives: January 2013

Paul Homewood’s analysis of NOAA US temperatures

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NOAA 1989 : No Warming In The US

Last week, scientists from the United States Commerce Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said that a study of temperature readings for the contiguous 48 states over the last century showed there had been no significant change in average temperature … Continue reading

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One Reason Why NOAA Is Lying About US Temperatures

The National Climate Assessment depends on non-existent warming in the US, so NOAA had to alter the data to make it appear that the US is warming rapidly. Future generations of Americans can expect to spend 25 days a year sweltering in temperatures … Continue reading

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NOAA Blows Away The Fraud Record In 2012!

NOAA publishes something called “raw” monthly data – which is supposed to be unadjusted. It shows 2012 super-duper hot. Only problem is, this “raw” data has been massively altered. The graph below shows the difference between the “raw” monthly temperature and … Continue reading

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Not Messi Quiz

Who is this top soccer player?

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Obama Prefers Your Family Dead

Obama says that it would be better for your daughter to get raped and murdered than for you to use a gun against a psychopath who threatens your family. As a state senator in Illinois, President Obama opposed legislation providing an exception to handgun … Continue reading

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Obama : The Absent Minded Professor

From 1991 to 2007, Obama’s literary agent listed him as being born in Kenya. Obama, the absent minded professor, forgot to correct her – for 17 straight years as she made him very rich selling his book. 1991 Born in Kenya and … Continue reading

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The Changing Face Of Global Warming

Three years ago, global warming was going to turn England into a Mediterranean climate. 24 March 2010 Mike Calnan, the National Trust’s head of gardens and parks, said the predictions were based on computer models generated by the Met Office Hadley Centre. … Continue reading

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Obama Granted Last Minute Reprieve!

Four years ago, the world’s greatest climatologist gave Obama until January 17, 2013 to save the planet. 17 January 2009 Barack Obama has only four years to save the world. That is the stark assessment of Nasa scientist and leading climate … Continue reading

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The Crime Data Which Feinstein Doesn’t Want You To Hear

Must see video. Violent crime is down 50% in the US over the last 20 years. Violent crime is much higher in England than in the US. Feinstein/Obama/Biden/Bloomberg don’t want you to hear this, because they want to take your guns. [youtube=] … Continue reading

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