Daily Archives: November 3, 2013

Deadliest 15 Floods In History Occurred With CO2 Below 350 PPM

Obama says that floods are getting worse due to global warming, but as is always the case, he has absolutely no clue what he is talking about. A storm surge in the year 1530 killed more than 1,000 times as many people … Continue reading

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Where The US Is Headed Under Obama’s Leadership

This is actual Zimbabwe currency.

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NOAA Data Tampering Reaches A Tipping Point

NOAA reported that September was the warmest ever on Earth, even though satellites showed September as being close to the median. This tipped me off that they have gone into full cheating, damn the torpedoes mode. Check out the level … Continue reading

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Climatologist Obama Explains That Global Warming Produces Snow In Dallas, And More Hurricanes And Tornadoes


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Understanding Snow Storms

During years when there is little snow, experts tell us that global warming is the cause – and they lament the good old days when there used to be big snow storms. IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001 … Continue reading

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Excellent News : The Guy Who Will Let “You Keep” Your Health Care Plan Will Also Let “You Keep” Your Guns

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhZyprZ9n-c] How does any human being get to be so f**cked up during just one short stay on this planet?

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Certainty Down 4% Over The Last 25 Years

Hansen was 99% certain in 1988, but the IPCC is down to 95% certain now. Global Warming Has Begun, Expert Tells Senate – New York Times Emperor Obama says that global warming is set to begin any time now, but … Continue reading

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Terrifying Imagery Of The New Mexico Permanent Drought


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