Daily Archives: November 6, 2013

Using Fraudulent Data To Influence Congress

Joe D’Aleo sent this over. A web site endorsed by the Nebraska state climatologist is being used to influence Congress about US temperature trends. In the case of Colorado, it shows  a strong warming trend. Temperature Trends The raw data … Continue reading

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No Warming In Western Africa


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Hillary – In Her More Attractive Days

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America : Bitter People Who Cling To Guns And Religion

84% of Virginia is without representation by the governor. 81% of the US is without representation by the dictator.

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Police State Update : Women Tasered By Police For Not Submitting To Sexual Assault

A WOMAN has taken a police officer to court after he allegedly tasered her after she refused to show him her breasts. Ashlea Bennett alleged that Officer Brandon Carter in his uniform went into her place of work in Haskell, … Continue reading

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Philippines Have Warmed A Few Tenths Of A Degree


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Five Counties Vote To Secede From Colorado – Nutcase Greens Win In Fort Collins

The fracking idiots against cheap energy have banned fracking in Fort Collins, which is indicative of why five counties voted to secede from the PRK.

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RSS : No Change In Peru Temperatures


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1920 : Top Climatologist Predicted That Negroes Would Take Over The US, And Drive The White Man Into The Sea

  16 Jul 1920 – (Published by Arrangement.) RACE DEGENERATION. A… h/t to Ivan

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GISS/NOAA/CRU Climate Fraud Update

The Earth was very warm in the 1920s. 07 Apr 1923 – NORTH POLE MELTING. CHANGE OF CLIMATE. MANY GLAC… In 1975, the National Academy of Sciences correctly showed the 1920’s as a warm period, much warmer than the cold … Continue reading

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