Daily Archives: November 10, 2013

Breaking News : Guardian Ramping Up The Big Lie – And Not Permitting Comments

Typhoon Haiyan the biggest yet as world’s tropical storms gather force | World news | theguardian.com Their earlier articles making those bogus claims have been hammered down in the comments section, so they are now not permitting comments.

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Drudge Continues To Push Jeff Masters’ BS

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Combining Jeff Masters’ Big Lie With Nonsensical Misinterpretation

Super Typhoon Haiyan may contain evidence of global warming, JPL scientist says Super Typhoon Haiyan, which is slamming its way into record books with unprecedented winds and rain across the Philippines, may contain signs of global warming, Jet Propulsion Laboratory … Continue reading

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Safer In The Philippines Than In California

In California, the police would simply murder the child on the spot – and then whitewash it.

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Michelle Says That 2008 Election Was The First Event Which Americans Can Be Proud Of


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Jeff Masters Called Out For Lying About The Typhoon

Before the typhoon made landfall, some international forecasters were estimating wind speeds at 195 m.p.h., which would have meant the storm would hit with winds among the strongest recorded. But local forecasters later disputed those estimates. “Some of the reports … Continue reading

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Would Jeff Masters Have Survived 1934?

1934 was the hottest year in US history (before government data tampering) had the worst drought in US history, devastating floods in Europe, brought one of the most powerful typhoons on record to Japan, drought in England, drought in South … Continue reading

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1934 Cyclone Had 200 MPH Winds At Landfall

The dead in Osaka include 532 school children. The typhoon was one of the worst ever recorded, the velocity of the wind being from 65 to 70 metres a second (about 150 m.p.h.), and nearly 100 metres a second (200 m.p.h.) on the … Continue reading

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1970 Cyclone Killed One Million People

Forty-three years ago this week, a cyclone hit East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and killed one million people. The Canberra Times  Tuesday 24 November 1970 The latest confirmed death count is 168,000, but Dacca news media reported “unofficial but confirmed figures” putting the toll at more … Continue reading

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GISS Data Tampering – Worse Than You Thought

The graph below shows GISS US temperatures five year mean. At first glance, it looks like the US is really heating up. data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs_v3/Fig.D.txt Now compare that to the actual GHCN thermometer data which the graph is based on. They look … Continue reading

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