Daily Archives: November 15, 2013

Number Of 95 Degree Days Fourth Lowest In A Century

The US had the fourth fewest 95ºF readings in a century this year, and about one-third as many as 1936. Climate experts say that the US is overheating. Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily/hcn/ 863 stations used in this analysis :

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How To Get An Organism To Kill Itself

 I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus. – Prince Philip – WWF President Karen Carpenter died very young, because she learned to associate evil with food. She eventually starved herself to … Continue reading

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Poudre School District Blames Four Day Weekend On Global Warming

On Labor Day Weekend, the local school district decided to extend the weekend, take Friday off, and blame it on the heat. The temperature that Friday was 87ºF. They just sent out an E-mail blaming it on a changing world. … Continue reading

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Global Warming Study Tests Using A Complete Inversion Of Facts

A new global warming study claims that the earth was warming rapidly after 1960. According to the study, the rate of global warming sped up again around 1960, a reflection of the sharp rise in carbon emissions from industrial activity … Continue reading

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Record Minimums Exceed Record Maximums In 2013

In the US, the number of record minimums has exceeded the number of record maximums so far in 2013 – and the ratio is the highest since 1997. Note the big spike in 1993 after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. … Continue reading

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Obama Compares Obamacare To iPhone

“Consider that just a couple of weeks ago, Apple rolled out a new mobile operating system, and within days, they found a glitch, so they fixed it. I don’t remember anybody suggesting Apple should stop selling iPhones or iPads or … Continue reading

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BBC : Japan To Reduce The Climate

Bell rings – drool   Bell rings – drool   Bell rings – drool …  CO2 – climate  CO2 – climate BBC News – Japan slashes climate reduction target amid nuclear shutdown

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Obamacare To Make Your Life Perfect

The White House

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“Arab Spring” Update

Christians ‘face extinction’ amid sectarian terror, minister warns – Telegraph

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Pacific Danger Spreads To Guam


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