Daily Archives: November 17, 2013

Met Office : 4 Degrees Warming In The Next 46 Years – Will Kill Us All

Sunday 27 September 2009 Met Office warns of catastrophic global warming in our lifetimes Met Office data shows no warming this century. The graph below shows the mind-boggling incompetence of government climate experts. www.woodfortrees.org/data/hadcrut4gl/from:2001/plot/hadcrut4gl/from:2001/trend

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Typhoons Are Not Always Man’s Fault

Deadliest World Tropical Cyclones | Weather Underground Sometimes they are woman’s fault, like the 1584 typhoon which killed 200,000 people.

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What Are The Odds Of A “Thousand Year Rainfall?”

During the Colorado floods this summer, someone at NOAA started claiming that it was a thousand year flood. When that was shown to be utter nonsense, they changed the story to a thousand year rainfall, based on the odds of … Continue reading

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Weather Underground Sets A Target Of At Least One Massive Big Lie Per Week

Last week the big lie was the strongest cyclone on record. This week it is accelerating global warming. No Global Warming ‘Pause,’ Planet Warming Much Faster Than Previously Thought No Global Warming ‘Pause,’ Planet Warming Much Faster Than Previously Thought: … Continue reading

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1974 : A Year Of Safe CO2 Levels And Global Cooling

CO2 was at very safe levels in 1974. That was the year when Nixon resigned, as well as a few other things. The worst tornado outbreak in US history http://www.april31974.com/images/outbreakmaplarge.jpg A hurricane which killed 8,000 people Hurricane Fifi (later Hurricane Orlene) was … Continue reading

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Question For Jeff Masters

What were the satellite estimated wind speeds of the typhoon which destroyed Tacloban in half an hour on October 12, 1897? Wednesday 12 January 1898 TYPHOON AND TIDAL WAVE IN THE PHILLIPINES. 7000 Lives Lost. The hurricane reached Leyte on … Continue reading

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Temperatures Were 15 Degrees Warmer During Most Of Earth’s Recent History

Since the first modern life forms appeared on Earth nearly 600 million years ago, temperatures have averaged about 10ºC warmer than at present. Climate experts tell us that 4ºC warming would kill everything on Earth. image277.gif (660×417) Science is the … Continue reading

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Obama : Most Transparent White House In History – Will Reign In Exploding Deficits

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXWTdTnhebs] . Table 1.1—Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits (-): 1789–2018

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Shock News : Washington Post Featured A Skeptical Comment

A few more storms like Typhoon Haiyan may finally make our leaders act on climate change – The Washington Post

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Arctic Ice Volume Gain Second Largest On Record

After the record increase in ice extent this year, climate alarmists quit talking about extent and started talking about volume. According to PIOMAS, the gain in end of October Arctic ice volume was the second largest on record this year. … Continue reading

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