Daily Archives: November 17, 2013

Climate Science Year In Review

Screwed up the Arctic ice forecast Screwed up the drought forecast Screwed up the hurricane forecast Set a new record for temperature data tampering Lied about a fire in Colorado being the worst ever Lied about a flood in Colorado … Continue reading

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Destroying The Republic Through Lies

When one candidate decides that his personal agenda is more important than the needs of the country, and requires that he lie about his positions – that deprives the electorate of the right to chose their president. The US elected … Continue reading

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Reader Says I Went Back In Time To 1897 And Wrote A Fake Article For The New York Times

November 17, 2013 at 2:09 am THOUSANDS OF LIVES LOST. – Many Vessels Wrecked and Property Worth Millions Destroyed in Typhoon-Swept Philippines. – View Article – NYTimes.com Looks like I wrote fake articles all over the world that year. 12 … Continue reading

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