1920 : Top Climatologist Predicted That Negroes Would Take Over The US, And Drive The White Man Into The Sea

ScreenHunter_39 Nov. 05 20.55 

ScreenHunter_40 Nov. 05 20.56

16 Jul 1920 – (Published by Arrangement.) RACE DEGENERATION. A…

h/t to Ivan

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 1920 : Top Climatologist Predicted That Negroes Would Take Over The US, And Drive The White Man Into The Sea

  1. daveburton says:

    From now on, whenever we refer to Hansen, Mann, Jones or Gleick, we should be sure to call him “one of the foremost living authorities on Climatology,” in honor of his predecessor. They didn’t get where they are today by themselves, but by standing on the shoulders of giants.

  2. OP says:

    You should always parallell this with Svante Arrhenius who appeared to have been in the committee of Svenska Rasbiologiska Sällskapet (Swedish Society of Eugenics).

  3. De Paus says:

    This means that the black man will shortly be complete master of the United States of America.
    Well, at least one black man has become that master. Now I wouldn’t mind if that was an honest and wise black man, but alas Barry Soetoro does not fit in that category.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    Canowindra – pronounced “Can..oowwunn..drah” by locals. Very nice Aussie country town. Worth a visit by rich US tourists.

    Canowindra has not experienced any CAGW.

    Backed up by BOM mean maximum temp data, flat as a biscuit since 1910.

  5. Ernest Bush says:

    Wow! A racist medical doctor has all the credentials needed to be world renowned expert in Climatology. He must also have been a progressivist after the likes of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.

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