1952 Shock News : Polar Ice Caps Melting At An Astonishing Rate – Seaports To Drown

Barrier Miner  Monday 18 February 1952

Polar Ice Caps Melt

New York, Sunday  Polar Icecaps were melting at an astonishing rate, Dr. W. S Carlson said. The water from them threatened to swamp seaports by raising ocean levels, he added.  Dr. Carlson, president of the University of Vermont, is an expert on the Arctic. …..

“The glaciers of Norway and Alaska are only half the size they were 50 years ago” he added.

“The temperature around Spitsbergen has been so modified that the time the sea is free of ice has lengthened from three to eight months of the year.”

18 Feb 1952 – Polar Ice Caps Melt

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1952 Shock News : Polar Ice Caps Melting At An Astonishing Rate – Seaports To Drown

  1. gator69 says:

    OT – GOCE satellite to make ‘surprise’ landing very soon. Be sure to carry a sturdy umbrella.


  2. LOL – what idiot believes what the quackitists or quackademics say. 1952 is 2013. Caps gone. Oceans raging. Cyclones cycling. Up is down. 2+2 is 5. Children’s future no more. Lizards turned into butterflies by random chance…..good christ or good whatever, use your brains people. It is all nonsense.

  3. Andy Oz says:

    Shock news: Tropical Glaciers are melting. Australia’s magical carbon tax will save Peru ice.
    The Australian MSM amps up the hyperbole in an effort to reverse the carbon tax repeal. What a crock.

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