1970 Cyclone Killed One Million People

Forty-three years ago this week, a cyclone hit East Pakistan (Bangladesh) and killed one million people.

The Canberra Times  Tuesday 24 November 1970

ScreenHunter_170 Nov. 09 19.28

The latest confirmed death count is 168,000, but Dacca news media reported “unofficial but confirmed figures” putting the toll at more than one million.

The reports said 300,000 died in Noakhali in Patuakhali district, 200,000 on Bohla Island, 110,000 on Hatia Island and 100,000 more on another 200 islands.

Bhola Island and Patuakhali between them are half the area of about 2,500 square miles affected and have more than half the affected population of 2.2 million.

24 Nov 1970 – PAKISTAN DISASTER The starving march on Dacca


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to 1970 Cyclone Killed One Million People

  1. Jimmy Haigh. says:

    I remember it well. And of course the event was immortalized by George Harrison.

  2. Ivan says:

    TOKYO, Friday (AAP).—Typhoon Shirley carved a path of destruction across Japan today with 173 mph winds, the strongest yet recorded here.
    11 Sept 1965

  3. Ivan says:

    MANILA, Monday (A.A.P.). — Typhoon Opal, with winds of up to 172 m.p.h. churned slowly toward the populous Southern Philippines yesterday.
    15 Dec 1964

  4. Ivan says:

    HONOLULU, Monday (A.A.P.).-Typhoon Karen lashed the island of Guam with winds up to 172 miles an hour to-day, leaving in its wake what the Federal Aviation Agency said was “a major disaster.”
    13 Nov 1962

  5. Ivan says:

    Meanwhile, a report from Miami, Florida, said that hurricane “Esther,” huge and violent, yesterday began curving towards the northwest across the Atlantic on a course that probably took all of Florida out of range of its 200 m.p.h. blasts.
    20 Sep 1961

  6. Ivan says:

    13 Sep 1956

  7. Ivan says:

    Naha (Okinawa), Today: Big US base of Okinawa braced itself today against a 184 mph typhoon bearing down on the island from the south-east.
    15 Aug 1953

  8. Ivan says:

    TOKIO, July 1. A typhoon, with winds as high as 172 m.p.h. roared up from the Philippines today.
    1 July 1953

  9. Ivan says:

    TOKIO, October 11— (A.A.P. and Reuters) The typhoon, which hit Iwo Jima yesterday morning, was accompanied by winds up to 170 m.p.h.. according to official reports received in Tokio and Guam.
    13 Oct 1947

  10. Ivan says:

    FOUR SHIPS were driven ashore when a typhoon, reaching 164 m.p.h., lashed Hongkong Harbour last month.
    25 Oct 1937

  11. Ivan says:

    MORE THAN 1,200 DEAD
    Damage Exceeds £50,000,000
    24 Sept 1934

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