1995 Australian Government Shock News : Squirrel Farts Worse Than Carbon Monoxide

The Canberra Times   22 July 1995

Animals to blame for warming: car expert

Research manager for the Federal Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics, Dr Leo Dobes, said his re- search had shown that cars had not contributed a disproportionate amount to green- house gases.

“You could say the motor car is not much better or worse … and not the big problem that everyone thinks,” he said.

He said animal gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, had a far greater global warming potential than carbon monoxide emissions from fossil-fueled vehicles.

22 Jul 1995 – Animals to blame for warming: car expert

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 1995 Australian Government Shock News : Squirrel Farts Worse Than Carbon Monoxide

  1. gator69 says:

    The answer: Eat more squirrels…

    “Imagine a half century has passed. It is the year 2060 and world beef consumption has fallen dramatically: a good outcome for climate-sake, according to some. However, life cycle fart assessments have led some to question the wisdom of the transition, as dairy production was shown to have increased greatly to meet growing vegetarian dietary needs, indirectly raising human methane and carbon dioxide contributions.”


  2. Gamecock says:

    Though I don’t necessarily accept the conclusions of Dobes et al (1995), I fully support a global war on the fluffy-tailed tree rats.

  3. eco-geek says:

    Dr Leo Dobes, said his re- search had shown that cars had not contributed a disproportionate amount to green- house gases.

    In other words: “…cars had contributed a proportionate amount to green house gasses”

    Er… yes, right….

    Hope he is paid in proportion to his usefullness.

  4. Stephen Richards says:

    Abbot will teach him not to poke his head above the parapet. Good bye funding.

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