Daily Archives: November 20, 2013

Smoking Gun That NCDC Data Adjustments Are Incorrect

The graph below plots the difference between adjusted NCDC US temperature anomalies and RSS US temperature anomalies. NCDC shows a strong US warming trend, and RSS shows no US warming trend. NCDC and RSS are diverging at an astonishing 2.4ºC per … Continue reading

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Obama Says That Republican Extremists Opposed His Plan To Cancel 50 Million Insurance Policies

I just got this E-mail from the White House. He says he is president for all Americans, except for anyone who disagrees with him. “One of the things I’ve learned as president is, you represent the entire country… When you’re … Continue reading

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US October Was Fifth Coolest In The Satellite Era

October in the US was fifth coolest since 1979, with temperatures trending down for the past 34 years. rss_monthly_msu_amsu_channel_tlt_anomalies_land_and_ocean_v03_3.txt

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