25 Years Since Hansen Forecast 220 MPH Hurricanes

Obama says we have to prepare for global warming. Same bullshit the experts have been saying since Obama’s high school Choom smoking days.

Ellensburg Daily Record – Dec 7, 1988

WASHINGTON (UPI) — Global warming may increase the strength of hurricanes, posing a lethal threat to low-lying areas already facing inundation from rising sea levels, atmospheric scientists said Tuesday.

At a major conference on global climate change. experts said warmer water temperatures could increase the power of hurricanes by 40 percent to 50 percent. They said while maximum hurricane winds peak at 175 mph now, they could reach 220 mph by the middle of the next century.


Ellensburg Daily Record – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to 25 Years Since Hansen Forecast 220 MPH Hurricanes

  1. Bob Greene says:

    We’ve got 36-37 years, so lot’s could happen. Besides, these are old skeers, our models are dreaming up new ones almost daily, especially just before some big climate meet or rollout. What’s all the retrospective stuff? We are looking forward, not backward. Focus on the future.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    Hansen was right about one thing in a bizarre way – huge areas of forest in the southern US are being killed by global warming.

    I’ll have to explain.

    Fear of the non-existent global warming has caused EU environmental regulations to be drawn up that require coal-based power plants not meeting the regulations to be shut down by 2015. One such plant, at Drax in Yorkshire in the UK, has switched to biomass burning because this is bizarrely defined as ‘renewable’ in the EU.

    Guess where the wood to fuel the power station is coming from? Yep, you got, the southern US and Brazil.

    You couldn’t make it up.


  3. The Iconoclast says:

    You missed the weasel words… *could reach* 220 mph *by the middle of the next century*… safely after most people living at the time will be dead. SCARY SCARY

  4. tom0mason says:

    And it is becoming more and more likely that the earth will be destroyed by aliens by the middle of the next century.
    If not today it must be tomorrow!

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