60 Degrees Of Global Warming Today

This morning I was driving in 20 degree weather on I-25  at 5,000 feet elevation, with a dozen cars slid into the ditch. And just 12 hours later it is 80 degrees and I am looking out over the ocean.

The only possible explanation is catastrophic global warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to 60 Degrees Of Global Warming Today

  1. theyouk says:

    Seek higher ground. The rapidly rising sea is certain to flood you in the next 0.0001 to 12,000 years. I’d be scared; you might want to give the gov’t all your money and freedoms, just to be safe.


  2. Andy Oz says:

    Holy shit! We’ll all be frogs in boiling water within 24 hours at that rate!!! The carbon tax was supposed to save us??!!

  3. wulliejohn says:

    Extensive research has shown that the number of measured sunlight hours per day has been decreasing. All our models (chicken bones) agree. This is unprecedented at least as far as our records go back. We use the Farmers Calendar. Mischievous stories put about by deniers that earlier records show that this is just a cyclical process are not helping us prepare for the coming Northern Hemisphere disaster. It is imperative that the government immediately remove virgins (female) and gold and silver from the general populace and send them to us.
    Society of Druids, Shamen and Mundunugu

  4. tom0mason says:

    Was that temperature taken on a NASA approved thermometer? If not then your mistaken belief in low initial temperature is explained. As NOAA affirms your final temperature is closer to official modeled temperature.

  5. Billy Liar says:

    That’s what happens when you use evil fossil fuels by driving. If you’d used your bike the global warming wouldn’t have happened – you’d still be in Colorado.

  6. I assume you used a sergeants t-test or mann-whitney (also called wilcoxon test) for a differences in means or medians, respectively. % cover can be determined with a z-test for differences in proportions. Snow composition is a little trickier – are you using something like a Shannon index I hope? Otherwise the data will not pass peer review.

  7. Jason Calley says:

    Perhaps the Global Warming is so very massive that it is avalanching down the mountain slopes all the way to the beach.

  8. I had the same thing happen on the Big Island in Hawaii. The CO2 from the volcano made it 80 degrees at the beach when it was only 40 degrees on top of the mountain upwind from the CO2 so obviously it was the CO2 that made the difference.

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