A History Of Birthers

Birthers are defined as believers in a “crackpot conspiracy theory claiming that Obama was born in Kenya.

The first well documented birthers are from 1991, when Obama’s literary agents promoted him as being born in Kenya.


Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’

Over the next 17 years, he was continuously being promoted as Kenyan born, by the birthers who made him rich. Of course, no one Obama knew noticed this mistake over the course of 17 years.



When Obama became US Senator from Illinois in 1994 under predictably suspicious circumstances, one of Kenya’s leading birther newspapers proudly bragged about their Kenyan-born native son.

Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate

During the 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton’s birther staff were pushing Obama’s Kenyan birth, and then again on election eve in 2008 one of Nigeria’s leading birther newspapers boasted about their African born candidate.

Nigerian Observer Online Edition

We don’t know if the person who filled out Obama’s college paperwork was also a birther, because he refuses to release any of it. Obama says that it is legal to spy on every other public and private communication in the US, but would be illegal to release his college documents.

Don’t be a birther! Only Obama’s close friends and associates are allowed to be that.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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43 Responses to A History Of Birthers

  1. Anto says:

    I follow the birther argument. If it’s a question to do with eligibility to be President, then what applies to Obama, also applies to Ted Cruz.

    Of course, the difference is that Cruz freely admits he was born in Canada, while Obama has released a birth certificate saying he was born in Hawaii.

    • Paul in Sweden says:

      Ted Cruz should pick up a Hawaiian birth certificate too. Others have in the past:
      Sun Yat-sen(Premier of the Kuomintang of China) – Wikipedia – In March 1904, while residing in Kula, Maui, Sun Yat-sen obtained a Certificate of Hawaiian Birth, issued by the Territory of Hawaii, stating that “he was born in the Hawaiian Islands on the 24th day of November, A.D. 1870.

    • Rick Fischer says:

      There is a youtube video (unless Obamaphiles have forced it off) of a photoshop expert who downloaded the White House posted file of Obama’s alleged Hawaiian birth certificate, and demonstrated the many elements on it that had been photoshopped from someone else’s certificate. The clincher was the small certificate date on the bottom. Government forms have the issue date printed, to keep track of the various versions issued. Obama’s “certificate” showed an issue date AFTER Obama was born.

      If Obama was willing to post a picture of his alleged birth certificate, someone please suggest an innocent reason that he has never produced the actual certificate for inspection?

    • Smokey says:

      The difference is that Ted Cruz serves in the Senate, where it is legal that he was born in Canada — while a U.S. President is required to have been born in the U.S. or a U.S. territory.

      THAT is the difference between Cruz and Obama.

      Obama was born in Kenya. There is not much doubt about that.

    • Blade says:

      I follow the birther argument. If it’s a question to do with eligibility to be President, then what applies to Obama, also applies to Ted Cruz.

      Of course, the difference is that Cruz freely admits he was born in Canada, while Obama has released a birth certificate saying he was born in Hawaii.

      Cruz, like Romney, Rubio and McCain are in the gray area that fall outside the original intent of the Founders who would have specified “born to a citizen parent” without regards to geography had they meant such a loose definition of NBC. The only way to allow these people to run for President ( or the inverse case of anchor babies ) is to water down the Constitution and let them off on a technicality. But why? And for what purpose? Out of the hundreds of millions of people here most of whom are actual natural born citizens we have no need to dumb down the rules. Are we running out of candidates? There is only one single office where the founders specified a higher standard than “citizen” and amazingly we cannot even keep that one rule in place. Our trajectory in just over two centuries puts us on the fast path to detonation, faster than ancient Greek states and most comparatively, suicidal Rome with her top-heavy bureaucracy, sleeping citizenry and assimilated invaders.

      BTW, DingleBarry has “released” nothing, even the birth certificate that he mentioned in his autobiography, discovering in a book. When his grandmother died just before the 2008 election they went straight to Hawaii and obviously raided her house and took everything of importance and likely visited the state offices where records were stored. He first released a COLB, a synthetic extract of alleged facts from other sources. Then later, released a reconstructed Birth Certificate, not a copy of an original. But the key point here, the suspicious fact for allegedly skeptical people is that the one he mentioned finding in his book is nowhere to be found now, and the page from the official book locked up by the powers-that-be in Hawaii recording births from hospital records was never photocopied and simply released. There are dangerous precedents here. In fact it looks like a plumbing operation that G. Gordon Liddy couldn’t imagine. If anyone needs to have records thrown open it is the occupant of the oval office, period. But they were shut down tight and we’re told to take their word for it and the word of his lackey enablers. Meanwhile they are eliminating privacy and spying on citizens daily who have no intention of ever running for President.

      You can’t write fiction this good.

    • freedomringsforall says:

      Here is a question for you:
      If qualification for president is determined by where you were born then why did the Supreme Court say that John McCain was qualified to serve as President when he was born in Panama?

  2. omnologos says:

    I would not make it so complicated. Personally I find it unlikely that a family would decide Kenya over Hawai’i in the early 1960’s to have a child, only then to move back to Hawai’i.

    It is far easier to imagine that Obama simply invented a story about being born in Kenya, and sold it to eager journalists and publishers who wanted to have the original African flavor among the authors and thinkers (he could get the exotically-thrilled audience without the slave-ancestors scar, so to speak).

    Unless of course you find it hard to imagine Obama inventing a story? 😉

    • NoMoreGore says:

      One possibility is that he was born in Seattle under the name Barry Soebarkah Harrison Mounir Ubayd Bounel “sweet cheeks” Dunham. “Bungo” for short. Plenty of sleepy overpasses up here where you could spit one out on the sly.

    • Rick Fischer says:

      Obama received a scholarship that was only given to eligible foreign students. He got a lot of mileage out of posing as a foreign student. None of this affects his eligibility as President, however. Children of a US mother are US citizens, regardless of where they are when they give birth. Same applies to Cruz.

      • gator69 says:

        Hey Rick! It sounds simple until it is you. I will repost my comment from below.

        Both my parents were American, and married. Dad was an Air Force officer stationed near Chateauroux, and I was born in France. When I needed a new passport a few years ago, the State Department said that the fact that both my parents were American was not enough to prove my citizenship. I had to provide multiple documents above and beyond my BC. Documents that I can guarantee Skeeter does not have.

        • Colorado Wellington says:

          Good friends of mine went through a protracted process of proving their American citizenship about 15 years ago. Both were born to married American couples on bases overseas. It did not come up until they were well into their thirties and needed it for an adoption application.

      • omnologos says:

        Rick – what scholarship was that?

      • The link I posted shows that, at the time of Obama’s birth, someone born to a US parent who was at least 21 would have automatically been a citizen. His mother, however, was only 18.

        I think he was likely born in Hawaii, but his mother does not solve the problem if he was not.

        ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

        • gator69 says:

          “…at the time of Obama’s birth, someone born to a US parent who was at least 21 would have automatically been a citizen.”

          I am the living proof that shows this is not true. The ONLY proof acceptable to the US government that I am a citizen was my original copy of my DOJ form AA-311301.

        • You’re describing practical effects, in dealing with a capricious and somewhat anti-military State department even at the time. (It is worse now.) I am referring to the law in effect at that point. Not the same.

          I’m glad you made it through!

          ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

        • gator69 says:

          ‘Public Law 85-316? was approved Sept 11, 1957, so it applies to both of us. My citizenship was never questioned until a few years ago, after Skeeter was elected. Without a DOJ AA-311301, a person born out of the country is not a citizen, even if both parents are.

    • Blade says:

      I would not make it so complicated. Personally I find it unlikely that a family would decide Kenya over Hawai’i in the early 1960’s to have a child, only then to move back to Hawai’i.

      It is far easier to imagine that Obama simply invented a story about being born in Kenya, and sold it to eager journalists and publishers who wanted to have the original African flavor among the authors and thinkers (he could get the exotically-thrilled audience without the slave-ancestors scar, so to speak).

      I know that sounds like Occam’s Razor to you Maurizio, but it almost mirrors what that idiot Bill O’Reilly parrots about this issue. He constructs his own conspiracy strawman to knock down, stating that it is unlikely a mother would know in advance that her kid would one day run for President and seed the newspaper with a fake birth announcement and/or move back to the US to clear the record of a foreign birth. However Occam’s Razor can cut cleaner than that strawman and its many variants. USA citizenship brings several perks that a young mother might be concerned with rather than accommodating a future President. Welfare and Social Security immediately come to mind, both for the kid and herself who apparently was never anything more than a parasite on the back of taxpayers. Schooling and College is another consideration, especially when looking at Indonesia or Kenya in comparison. Obama’s baby mama would benefit from being a single mother in the USA as compared to just being single, as our permanent class of welfare queen baby mamas can attest to. Then there is the locale of Hawaii over all the other possible places on Earth, islands that have practically no bad climate anywhere to be found. Hawaii had just become a state, and the correct expectation was that Federal money would now begin to pour in to the islands, not to mention a brand new state infrastructure, and with it came all the benefits that a parasite could suck out of the new, expanding bureaucracy.

      So, the better question IMHO is why wouldn’t someone move back to the Hawaiian islands in Stanley Dunham’s circumstances? After all, her folks were there already. It is at this point of the speculation that O’Reilly cannot fathom her parents placing a birth announcement in the paper ( and he switches to future President conspiracy theories ) but given all these facts, it makes perfect sense. Also, don’t forget that the next kid that mama squeezed out after Barry was in … wait for it … Indonesia …. demonstrating that Mama had no qualms about traveling long distances, living in 3rd world hellholes with a child and/or pregnant. In the latter case she demonstrates her willingness to chase her baby daddy back back to his home, and this is precisely what the so-called “birthers” are theorizing in the first case.

      Having said all that, it is probably a coin toss to where DingleBarry was actually born. It’s irrelevant to me personally anyway. His disqualification according to the strictest definition of natural born citizen ( born to USA citizens in the USA ) is that his father was a foreigner, always was, he never was an American, ever. NBC is about loyalty, and rightly so. It is about a head of the executive branch that respects America. We now see the pitfalls of ignoring that requirement as DingleBarry who was born to Communists and raised in foreign lands in his early years has no appreciation for the country that shed so much blood in the name of freedom. At best he is a puppet serving the purposes of the Democratic Socialist party, but let’s not paint it differently than it is. He is an America hater, a point of view common among narcissistic leftist elitists.

      I defy anyone to name another USA President with a foreign parent, and if they cannot, then admit that standards have conveniently become relaxed to pave the way for the great pretender ( and the same goes for the inverse case with McCain, Romney, Rubio, and Cruz, can anyone name a President that mirrors any of their originations? ). Oh wait, there was old Chester A. Arthur who was moderately challenged as unqualified but who also managed to scrub his records. The one key difference is that he was never elected and unsurprisingly decided not to run for his own term after completing Garfield’s because the issue would have re-surfaced and since people at the time had higher standards than today’s narcissistic parasitic society, he would have been rejected.

      • NomoreGore says:

        There are a few additional twists in Barry’s story. His mom took him to Indonesia. At the time, he could not have attended school without being a citizen and a Muslim. Momma was just chasing a man, and (likely) relinquished Barry’s citizenship to get him into school. When they returned, he was no longer able to ride in on her passport, and she identified him as Soebarkah. Barry’s problem is likely that he may have been a citizen at birth (particularly if Frank Marshall Davis is his papa)…but he may have lost it in his trip to Indonesia. There is SOME REASON why he couldn’t get a SSN, and began using the one belonging to Harrison J Bounel. He must not be a citizen at all. WND has all of this down to the last detail.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Obama is such a pathological liar that if he said he is from Kenya, that guarantees he is not! From what I know about the mother, his origin will always be in question, even to her.

  4. Don Allen says:

    His mother was an American, that is all that matters to me. Now if you want to discuss his Islamic
    Fascism, than I am all game.

    • So you are fine with him lying about his birthplace?

    • I think that the best odds are that he was indeed born in Hawaii. However, his mother being an American are not sufficient to solve the problem, as she was too young at the time to have conferred citizenship upon him in the manner you’re thinking of. As I wrote at the time, she would have to have been 21. She was 18.

      But he certainly kept up the pretense of his Kenyan birth for many years, as long as it suited him and gave him some perceived advantage.

      ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

    • gator69 says:

      Both my parents were American, and married. Dad was an Air Force officer stationed near Chateauroux, and I was born in France. When I needed a new passport a few years ago, the State Department said that the fact that both my parents were American was not enough to prove my citizenship. I had to provide multiple documents above and beyond my BC. Documents that I can guarantee Skeeter does not have.

      • omnologos says:

        Wow…you guys have serious issues if being a child of serving military personnel stationed abroad on duty is treated so negatively.

        Actually I am starting to wonder if there is an underlying bias in American law against active military people.

        • gator69 says:

          This is nothing new, the law that requires this was approved Sept 11, 1957. ‘Public Law 85-316’. It requires me to show a State Department form FS-240, and even more critically a DOJ form AA-311301, or I am persona non grata in this country.

          But Skeeter is special.

  5. Dave N says:

    Once again: if you repeat someone else’s error enough times, it becomes the truth? That’s logic that alarmists use.

  6. Colorado Wellington says:

    I am quite sure he’s hiding something but I’m afraid people will be disappointed when it comes out. It will be something embarrassing but trivial. It’s usually so with narcissists.

  7. stargazer says:

    I think it would be a step in the right direction if he first offered solid proof that he was born on planet Earth. We can go from there…..

  8. tom0mason says:

    Maybe on the real, verifiable birth certificate there is an embarrassing detail on it.
    May his true parentage is not as he has lead people to believe.
    Real mother?
    Was the father known, and if so is his name recorded there? Is the father’s name the same as the man his mother married?
    Such details would be very embarrassing to such a sensitive person.

  9. De Paus says:

    You have not been reading the Sunday Standard carefully. The man born in Kenya is Barrack Obama, with double R, the little known twin brother of Barack Obama, with one R. Barrack Obama, with double R, was born in Kenya and his twin brother Barack Obama with one R was born at the same time in Hawaii. This would make sense for anyone with the brains of a Democratic Party voter.

  10. Montana says:

    The Birthers/ Teabaggers have no evidence that would stand up in a court of law in the United States. To all the Birthers in internet land, its upon you to prove to all of us (the majority) that what you are saying is true. Take it to court you bunch of cowards!

    Let me be clear none of these Birther/ Teabaggers dullards have taken there “Birther Documents of facts, more like lies” and none have won a case in the “U.S. Courts”, maybe in their simple minds (if they have any) but not in our “U.S. Courts”, so unless Birthers/ Teabaggers, whatever you want to be called, win a court case, we will continue to see as dullards, liars or racist or maybe all three. Deal with the real truth baby!

    To all the Teabaggers / Birthers/ Chicken Littles that keep saying that the sky is falling, and the Unites States will fail, never count against the United States of America, we are coming back and you and your losers are wrong!

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