Alaska Meltdown Update

The igloos are sinking into melting permafrost.

ScreenHunter_80 Nov. 16 10.06

Barrow Sea Ice Webcam

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Alaska Meltdown Update

  1. Latitude says:

    North America’s largest ski resort to open early ‘thanks to oodles of snow’…

  2. Lance says:

    I think I can see the missing heat!! its out there in that open lead!!

  3. Andy Oz says:

    That’s just terrible. Those Inuit need to be rescued! Where is Reggie and the blowtorch when he’s needed. Absent without leave again when the ice chips are down and lives to be saved!

  4. They must have a booming business in sunscreen and bikinis this week with all that global warming. LOL

  5. Paul in Sweden says:

    Well… seems like there is lots of concern for igloos. O_o I just learned this bit today: A world-famous hotel in Sweden has been ordered to install fire alarms despite being constructed entirely of ice. ICEHOTEL, which is located in the north Swedish town of Jukkasjarvi, is rebuilt every winter after it melts in the spring. It is constructed purely from ice including all furniture and appliances.Despite this the owners of the hotel were told they could not continue construction of the building until at least one detector was installed on the premises.

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