America : Bitter People Who Cling To Guns And Religion

ScreenHunter_43 Nov. 06 05.57

84% of Virginia is without representation by the governor.

81% of the US is without representation by the dictator.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to America : Bitter People Who Cling To Guns And Religion

  1. David says:

    Looks like Oklahoma, Utah , and West Virginia are 100% unrepresented.

  2. R. de Haan says:

    I don’t understand the strategy. Why didn’t Robert Sarvis bail from the election process to make place for Ken Cuccinelli so he could beat the democrat candidate. Who the hell is responsible for the Republican election strategies? Looks like 100% STUPID or plain sabotage to me.

  3. R. de Haan says:

    This is flabbergasting.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Someone told me Obama was the best thing that could happen to the Republicans.
    Despite all the mess they have made they are winning on all fronts.

    Prepare for the Bitch to return and thank the Reps for nothing. What a morons.

  5. Pathway says:

    So, the Little Dictators plant, Robert Sarvis gave the election to Mc awful. Thanks Libertarians for being such good pawns.

  6. darrylb says:

    Needed a little more time fore moderates to get really upset about Obamacare

  7. phodges says:

    I went to the city to visit family…all I could think was “these people live like cattle.”

    The borg in their hive.

  8. Bill S says:

    1). I have decided to keep my message to my democrat friends simple. “You now have the government you voted for – our you happy now!”
    2). I think we have to get honest. I know four normally conservative people who did not vote for Romney because he was a Mormon. How do we deal with that?

  9. Bill S – Ask what specifically they think a Mormon is going to do wrong. Then advise them to choose their poison.

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