And You Can Keep Your Current Health Insurance, And The Arctic Will Be Ice-Free This Year, And No One Making Less Than $250,000 Will See A Tax Increase, And Obama Believes That Marriage Is A Sacred Bond Between A Man And A Woman …..

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the nation’s surveillance activities went “too far” in some cases, and has promised that will not happen again.

Kerry: U.S. Surveillance Went “Too Far”

Is there some reason why anyone would still be stupid enough to believe anything coming out of the Obama White House?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to And You Can Keep Your Current Health Insurance, And The Arctic Will Be Ice-Free This Year, And No One Making Less Than $250,000 Will See A Tax Increase, And Obama Believes That Marriage Is A Sacred Bond Between A Man And A Woman …..

  1. kbray in california says:

    Food stamps.
    Obama phone.
    Section 8.
    ETC ad nauseum.

  2. gator69 says:

    Department of Education.
    (et al)

  3. Kaboom says:

    There is no reason and was none to bleieve anything from the White House ever. And that sacred tradition will be carried forth and forth by whomever occupies it next.

  4. Stewart Pid says:

    Slick Willy / Bill Clinton wrote Obama’s definition of “between a man and a woman” 😉
    Willy is a firm believer in bonds, especially if he is the one being tied up and spanked!

  5. Shazaam says:

    Serious brain damage.

    Undamaged brains see the Liar-in-Chief for the fraud he is.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    Here we go again: Shooting at LAX terminal 3:

    Just another incident that hasn’t been prevented by the NSA spy program.

  7. minarchist says:

    And Benghazi was because of a video. And Obama does not want to take your guns away.

  8. WPBHurricane05 says:

    Just received my letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield (Florida). Turns out I can keep my current plan…..until Summer 2014, at which point I’ll have to select a new plan. Thanks Obama!

  9. mikegeo says:

    Well, he’s just issued another proclamation about getting ready for Climate Change big time, and run out all the scary projections. Its beyond parody. Its more pigs at the trough stuff for his support base. Sickening isn’t it.

  10. R. de Haan says:

    And here it is, former TSA taking on TSA

    I’ll have some more of that with popcorn and a nice cold beer.

    • Mike D says:

      That’s probably wrong. I just heard a report on CNBC that his name was released and they talked to the suspect’s father. He didn’t know if his son had a job. CBS has also said that earlier report was probably wrong.

      And there are of course reports from other non-news websites that he had strong anti government views, and it was an AR-15. Those last 2 are highly suspect reports given what has happened in the last several incidents.

  11. Mike D says:

    Now that Obamacare is a colossal failure, meeting none of the promises of $2,500 savings for a family of four, and increasing premiums for millions of people, where are the hacks like McCain and McConnell who said trying to defund it was the wrong strategy? They never had any plan, yet they torpedoed the attempt to defund it, because they supposedly had a better way. Now that the time to act is here, they’ve been completely absent.

  12. Another Ian says:



    A skewering of Nancy Pelosi’s statement made during debate on Obamacare

    GT Man52, on 01 Nov 2013 – 8:17 PM, said:

    If you recall Nancy’s statement, “pass it and you will find out what is in it……,

    A proctologist says this is the exact description of a “stool sample.” OBG”


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