Another Dirty Little Secret

Snowfall is steadily increasing here along the Colorado Front Range, with this year being the snowiest on record to date here in Fort Collins.


Temperatures have been declining this century, as the missing heat sinks to the bottom of nearby Horsetooth Reservoir.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Another Dirty Little Secret

  1. omanuel says:

    The dirty little secret started when opposing forces from the Second World War agreed to take totalitarian control of the world by forming the United Nations on 24 Oct 1945.

    Since 1945, national governments and national Academies of Science worldwide have used federal research grants, awards and Nobel Prizes to promote misinformation as consensus science on the opposing forces, internal compositions and natural decays of atoms and stars.

    The dirty little secret was exposed in a comment published today in the New York Times:

    – – – – –
    This climate game is over. Purposeful deception is a common theme emerging in the scientific community and in the press:

    How did George Orwell figure out serfdom was our fate in 1946 when he started writing the futuristic novel, “Nineteen Eighty-Four”?

    The first scientist to visit Hiroshima’s ruins in August 1945, Professor P. K. Kuroda, designed a research project to reveal the answer in 1960.

    See: “A Journey to the Core of the Sun” (in progress).

    1. A one page synopsis:

    2. Chapter 1: The first scientist to visit Hiroshima’s ruins in August 1945, Professor P. K. Kuroda

    Today I will start writing Chapter 2, knowing without doubt there is more validity in the conflicting opinions of a dozen skeptical scientists than in the consensus opinions of thousands of text-book authors, well-funded and tenured professors and Nobel Prize winners.

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  2. Andy DC says:

    All that cold and snow are entirerly consistent with a warming planet (sarc).

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