Experts say that declining spring snow cover proves global warming.
Rutgers University Climate Lab :: Global Snow Lab
A few weeks ago, NOAA warned about declining snow and ice cover. We should have listened!
2012 State of the Climate: Snow in the Northern Hemisphere | NOAA
Yah, but the oceans are turning into boiling pits of Acid! Aaaaaaaaah!
Then folllowed by truly unprecedented snowfall from Arkansas to Wisconsin.
Snow and Ice predictions from Greenhouse 2013 here in Oz.
Surveying is probably the simplest science to master, and yet mass balances seem to be a real problem for them. The data doesn’t match their predictions. Where do the morons get their catastrophic predictions from? Probably where Al gore’s monkeys come from.
Huh. I just downloaded the rutgers one you put up a few posts back…NH May is increasing for the entire record.
Thanks for showing this can be done, it is really fascinating to get the data and look at it yourself.
Although I still can’t figure out how you get anything out of the daily hcn etc!
Oops. I just noticed it is inverted.