“Arab Spring” Update

ScreenHunter_19 Nov. 14 23.38

Christians ‘face extinction’ amid sectarian terror, minister warns – Telegraph

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to “Arab Spring” Update

  1. gator69 says:

    “First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People. Such graffiti can sometimes be found in Muslim neighborhoods in the Middle East. The “Saturday People” are, of course, Jews, today nearly gone from Muslim lands. Now the Sunday people”—Christians— are in the crosshairs, and they, too, are fleeing at an alarming rate. Both religions are unwelcome in many Muslim-majority lands for reasons of Islamist ideology—the declaration of jihad, or holy war, against infidels.”


  2. The Iconoclast says:

    Huh, gee, the media didn’t mention any of this when they were colluding with the government to sell us the Arab Spring, just as with the minimal coverage of the rape of Lara Logan. Nah, man, it was all a cry for democracy.

    I don’t lay it all on this President, though: A succession of administrations, both Republican and Democrat, sent great heaping piles of money to the Egyptian dictatorship yet in no effective way pressed for meaningful reform.

    With astounding naivety the Obama Administration apparently thought we could simply change sides and everything would be copacetic. As is typical with American foreign policy, though, the result was that both sides now hate our guts.

  3. bobmaginnis says:

    Blame it on the neocons at PNAC “The Project for the New American Century seeks to establish what they call ‘Pax Americana’ across the globe. Essentially, their goal is to transform America, the sole remaining superpower, into a planetary empire by force of arms. A report released by PNAC in September of 2000 entitled ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ codifies this plan, which requires a massive increase in defense spending…………

    • So Obama is head of the neocons? I thought that was Cheney.

    • gator69 says:

      “SourceWatch is a propaganda site funded by an extreme left-wing, anti-capitalist and anti-corporate organization, the Center for Media and Democracy. Just like the untrustworthy Wikipedia the content can be written and edited by ordinary web users. Users who all conveniently share an extreme left-wing bias. SourceWatch is frequently cited by those seeking to smear individuals and organizations who do not share their extreme left-wing bias since they cannot find any legitimate criticisms from respected news sources.”


      • phodges says:

        Straight from the horses mouth:


        You guys are hilarious. This is not political or partisan…both parties are owned by the corporate-financial elite.

        Blaming Obama is picking the low hanging fruit. He is just a suit, and actor. Why don’t you go after the corporate-financial elite, they are same crooks forcing the CAGW cult down our throats.

        You keep saying Hillary Clinton is a liberal etc. After the Benghazi thing she received the American Patriot Award from the National Defense University Foundation.

        Who is the NDU? Not exactly a list of radical leftists-


        More like the heart of the Military Industrial Complex.

        She is no radical leftist. She is just another tool of the financial/corporate elite, no different from Bush or Obama. Or McCain, Boehner, or Graham. Our government is bought and paid for.

        Reactionary Islam is a creation of western intelligence, through our proxies in Saudi, Turkey, etc. It’s about war and profit.

        • gator69 says:

          So Obama is head of the neocons, Soros is trustworthy, and the Caliphate is an illusion? Keep smokin’.

        • bobmaginnis says:

          The Caliphate isn’t an illusion, but has been assisted by our decades of intervention in the Mideast, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc, on a fool’s errand for Israel. Don’t blame the Sourcewatch messenger, just look at the folks from PNAC.

        • gator69 says:

          So if we are nice to the Arabs, they will just forget about their centuries old plan to rule the world.

          Keep eating the BS, it appears you like it.

        • rw says:

          So they’re all in it but you (and a few of your buddies). How come you’re still sitting out there alone in the cold?

        • rw says:

          Reactionary Islam is a creation of western intelligence, through our proxies in Saudi, Turkey, etc. It’s about war and profit

          Wow. Tell that to the Armenians. Or the tenth-century Hindus. Or the 7th-century Berbers. And how would you have advised Charles Martel?

  4. bobmaginnis says:

    gator69, they don’t hate us for our freedom, they hate us for what we do to them, which plays into the hands of the Islamic fundamentalists, who aren’t much different from our USA Christian and Jewish fundamentalists, who would impose something like Sharia law, but under a different name. There are many Iranian people who don’t want the Caliphate, want to live like we do, but can’t win while a war is going on, are considered ‘unpatriotic,’ like those of us in our USA who were against the 2003 Iraq war.

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