After the record increase in ice extent this year, climate alarmists quit talking about extent and started talking about volume.
According to PIOMAS, the gain in end of October Arctic ice volume was the second largest on record this year.
On a percentage basis, it was the largest increase in ice volume on record – up 36% from last year.
Record increase in volume of lies as well. Children just won’t know what truth is.
Right…. This Alarmists just keep changing the goal post… It’s like Charley Brown trying to kick a field goal but Lucy keeps moving the ball…
First it’s temperature… Then that stays flat for 17 years… They claim Polar Bears are dying in droves yet in truth are thriving in most all areas… Now the heat is trapped deep in the ocean where nobody can find nor measure the temperature…
Nonsense as you can see;
I don’t know what you are trying to accomplish here, but it was probably some random error from your part.
This is the actually graph from your data source, whish is quite simple to trace back from your source – just one click away and get this graph “Arctic Sea Ice Volume Anomaly, version 2” from data from your source.
I prefer my realities to have only one version.