BBC : Japan To Reduce The Climate

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BBC News – Japan slashes climate reduction target amid nuclear shutdown

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to BBC : Japan To Reduce The Climate

  1. Uranium hexafluoride gas absorbs IR, increasing the climate.

  2. Karl W. Braun says:

    So does that mean no more Kyoto for Japan?

  3. Bob Greene says:

    Reduce the climate, “climate reduction”? Has Japan found a way to make less climate or a smaller climate? Or was the climate overweight and it just needs a little slimming down?

  4. “Large weather we’re having, isn’t it?”


  5. John B., M.D. says:

    Japan is trying to reduce climate? Stupid journalist. By that line of reasoning, those that “deny climate” are even more virtuous. I would like to take some credit.

  6. gregole says:

    “Live Large, Reduce The Climate”; Al Gore’s credo.

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