Why does the press let Obama “back off” when he is caught conning and swindling people?
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Why? Because the press is no longer free and real journalists made room for paper pushing morons who are too stupid to understand the dictates they copy and hard core propagandists trained to play their audiences. All they learned is not to bite the hand that feeds them.
But you know that already.
Obama has apologized for people loosing their insurance but if he is really sincere he would draw his conclusions and offer his resignation.
Now that would have been an opportunity for a good journalist.
Just imagine a line like this:
“Mr President, with all due respect but under your watch and despite your promises, millions of Americans have lost their health Insurance.
“When can we expect your resignation or have you decided to wait until they impeach you?”
That would have triggered a revival of the good old American Spirit.
Who knows, the year has still some weeks to go.
Indeed. The press’s allegiance is to is to government, not the people. It is no longer “of the people.”
Obama “regrets” people losing their insurance. He acts as if HE had nothing to do with it; it was some strange 3rd party power that caused it. In this same week, he said all their policies were crap, and their losing them was good, because they’d get better policies for the same or less money.
MONEY ?!?!
His lies aren’t even artful. Clinton was a good liar; Barry is a lame liar. But the press will cover for him, anyway.
In Washington two candidates have won the elections. The only problem is they’re both dead.
Don’t you love it.
“If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period.”
Mr. Obama says that wasn’t “clear.”
“I regret very much that what we intended to do — which is to make sure that everybody is moving into better plans because they want them, as opposed to because they’re forced into it — that, we weren’t as clear as we needed to be in terms of the changes that were taking place,” Obama said. “And I want to do everything we can to make sure that people are finding themselves in a good position, a better position than they were before this law happened.”
Of course it was clear. He was, and still is, just lying.
Serial rapist and murderer Ted Bundy has backed off his promise to victims that he would “let them live if they did what he wanted.” Authorities say that they cannot now prosecute Bundy since he has confessed and apologized for his misstatements.
Because the press can’t speak the truth while their lips are attached to Obama’s backside.