Blithering Incompetence At NOAA

Two days ago, NOAA predicted a new drought for the southwest.

November 21st, 2013

Drought, and not widespread snowstorms, may be the biggest story this winter according to the official U.S. winter outlook.

The outlook, issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on Thursday, shows that the winter of 2013-14 is likely to feature an expansion and intensification of drought conditions across the Southwest

U.S. Winter Outlook Dominated by Dire Drought News | Climate Central

And today, a record early season snowstorm in New Mexico and Arizona.

Statement as of 11:46 AM MST on November 23, 2013

… Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until 6 am MST Monday…A Winter Storm Warning for heavy snow remains in effect until 6 am
MST Monday.
* Snow accumulations… an additional 2 to 5 inches above 7500
feet today with snow amounts increasing tonight. Between
tonight and Monday morning… an additional 8 to 16 inches of
snow is likely.

Warnings for Jemez Mountains, New Mexico | Weather Underground

h/t to Organic Fool

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Blithering Incompetence At NOAA

  1. Ernest Bush says:

    Yesterday (Friday), we had a balmy 57 degree high with lots of permanent drought falling on us most of the day. I didn’t check but it may have been a record low high for Yuma, down by the Mexican border. It may reach 62 degrees today. We will not be having our usual sunny, warm, Thanksgiving either. We probably got a whole year’s worth of permanent drought in the last couple of days with some bone dry flooding.

  2. Shazaam says:

    Please tell me that you did not expect competence from government.

    After witnessing the spectacular, on-going, slow-motion train-wreck named Obamacare, surely no one expects the least bit of competence from any government agency?

    Because no-one and nothing can screw-up like a government.

    It’s the one thing they do very, very well.

  3. BC says:

    The dreaded Algorean DroughtFlood Effect strikes again!

  4. Pathway says:

    Two inches of snow here in the high desert of Colorado and it is currently snowing. Forecast for the San Juan Mnts. is up to 3 feet of snow. We have standing water since Sept in places that are usually bone dry. Makes you wonder why we are paying NOAA for such jibberish.

    • David A says:

      I think they are working on improving our cultural understanding of the militias in Syria that Obama is trying to get guns to.

  5. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    What will they do?

    Up to six feet of permanent drought, drivers lives threatened.

  6. tom0mason says:

    Chuck Hagel’s announcement –

    (Reuters) – U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced on Friday the Pentagon’s first Arctic strategy to guide changes in military planning as rapidly thawing ice reshapes global commerce and energy exploration, possibly raising tensions along the way.

    Ice on the Arctic Ocean shrank last year to its lowest levels since satellite observations began in the 1970s, and many experts expect it will vanish in summers by mid-century due to climate change.

    Yes winning more taxpayers money by military alarmism. –

  7. Andy DC says:

    Phoenix, AZ received 2,42″ of rain during the past 3 days, Rainfall for Novermber to date is close to 600% of normal. The expansion and intensification of the Southwest drought is right on schedule! (sarc).

    • GregO says:


      I’m here in Tempe, Arizona and it has been chilly and rainy. I posted this already, but and going to repeat it here:

      This is a network of rain gauges set-up and maintained largely by volunteers. It is interesting how the rain gauges show differing levels by locality. That is real out here. It can be raining a downpour for one stretch of road, then dry, then flooded; but yes it has been generally wet here the last few days.

  8. Phil Jones says:

    Sooooo … Why isn’t this being reported in the context of Global Warming… More data countering the theory… And why isn’t NOAA being called out on this draught flood BS??

    The Media and most all our Politicians are in the tank folks…. Doesn’t matter what the unadjusted data says… NOAA will probably “adjust out” all this snow, er ugh I mean non-rain…

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