Can’t They Just Blame Bush?

The ObamaCare Dozen

The Democrats who voted for the debacle are now scrambling for cover.

The torrents of Affordable Care Act monsoon season aren’t letting up, so Democrats are scrambling to help the victims: namely, their own careers. The Senators up for re-election in competitive states in 2014 are starting to panic, though they still aren’t offering solutions for anything other than their own growing political jeopardy.

Fifteen Senate Democrats plus Colorado’s Michael Bennet who chairs the Senatorial Campaign Committee sat down at the White House Wednesday, and they want all and sundry to know that they let President Obama have it. Alaska’s Mark Begich put out a statement saying he chewed out the big cheese for “absolutely unacceptable” mismanagement and “an understandable crisis in confidence.” He must have drafted it in advance.

Oregon’s Jeff Merkley chimed in to report that even after the two-hour encounter session that was not on the public schedule, he was still “very frustrated” and “I remain deeply convinced that this is a ‘show-me’ moment.” Asked by Politico if Democrats were losing credibility, an anonymous attendee said, “You got to have it, to lose it.”

Review & Outlook: The ObamaCare Dozen –


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Can’t They Just Blame Bush?

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Comment from thatsafactjack at hotair:

    Congress Sets Value On Human Life

    QARY, Quality Adjusted Remaining Years, is what the IPAB, the Independent Payment Advisory Board comprised of 15 appointed, not elected, officials with no medical expertise, will use to determine how much health care any given individual will receive.

    The IPAB will use a very simple equation to make that determination. Your age… and how many years they estimate you will live… and how many years they estimate of that time will be ‘quality’ years. They will multiply the number of those ‘quality’ years by a set value in dollars. That is the maximum amount of health care each individual will be allowed. Period.

    This is the cold and merciless heart of Obamacare.

  2. darrylb says:

    How do people like this get elected?

    • David says:

      Idiots who are to busy watching football and Dancing with the Stars to be bothered with voting. Also when Republicans get so far right the Independants which naturally lean left vote that way. The true Rupublican Party lost its way long ago and instead of fiscal conservatism thought preaching to the people would get them reelected. If I want religion I will go to church. Quit spending money that my great great great grandkids don’t have.

      Quit lying about healthcare and the milatary having to cost more every year. Anything the government is involved in cost more and more. Anything they are not involved in cost less and less. Look at computers, clothing, office supplies. Then look at milatary, education, and healthcare. Classic example a CT scan.,it used to take 4 people to run and about 2 hours an exam to complete in the early 1990’s. The cost was about a thousand dollars. Now it takes 1 person, the machine cost the same, and it takes 5 minutes. The cost has increased to 6000 dollars.

      • gator69 says:

        You had me at football and dancing stars, you lost me at religion. Republicans legislate far less religious ideology than Democrats legislate their ‘values’. The real problem is the culture of media. Americans are beat over the head with leftist propaganda at every turn, and have been stripped of their ability to think, thanks to the Department of Education and our leftist university cabal.

        • David A says:

          True gator, The marriage issue and abortion are the social issues the LSM left loves to attack the right on. it is however poorly argued by many on the right. Abortion, at the very least, should not be tax payer funded, except in less then one percent of cases, rape and or potential death to the mother. When the left removes consequences from private acts, then irresponsible behavior propagates.

          A strong family is the basis of a strong society. (One would hope that the sad co-dependency and “I am owed” attitude of large portions of the black community, would demonstrate beyond reasonable reproof that a committed relationship between a father and a mother is the ideal family.) The positive differences between a man and a woman bring a balance to child rearing, which same sex couples cannot for the most part match. Also same sex couples , from studies I have read, tend to be shorter relationships. Traditional marriage, on average builds a far stronger society. Traditional marriage applies equally to all, some just do not like it. Marriage is a societal institution, which society has a right to formulate. Gay marriage does indeed open the door to many other definitions of marriage.

        • David says:

          Will agree about the universities. I am also sick of the token gay couples In all the sitcoms like its normal. I can’t even let my 9 year old watch tv because all the shows are screwed up. On religion we have freedom in this country to believe as we wish. I just wish not to hear others beliefs.

        • gator69 says:

          Government has no business in marriage. Marriage is a religious ‘rite’, and not a ‘right’ of citizens. If governments want to issue civil unions, and adjust the tax code accordingly, most of that argument would disappear. Churches would not be forced into acts with which their core beliefs disagree, and all couples would have equal protection under the law. Or we could just stop giving tax breaks to couples. Leave marriage to the church, and individual choices of unions to the people.

          So many have forgotten that it was the faithful that abolished slavery, and created our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It is as if our school system has misinformed us. 😉

        • David A says:

          A reasonable argument Gator The other side is that historically societies have always recognized the value and necessities of the family unit, and defined marriage as a societal institution. The US founders went very far in their freedom quest, while recognizing that high morals were necessary for any society, particularly a free society. Charity, health care for the poor, etc, were to be acts of free will. Marriage however was recognized as a foundation of a healthy family. I agree completely with the right of consenting adults to do whatever they wish in private. I do not agree that society has the obligation to recognize that relationship, as being of equal value to the society as the institution of defining marriage as a relationship between one man and one woman, and the family unit such a marriage can and does create.

        • gator69 says:

          Agreed. So let’s delete marriage from the tax code, and remove government from our personal lives.

      • Ernest Bush says:

        Three million of those on the right who supported Republicans in the past stayed home instead of voting for another progressive looking Republican. Romney got the so-called independents. As one of those on the right I see no difference between the Republicans and Democrats currently in leadership in Washington. I don’t care whether progressives want to rule from the UN or from Washington. I refuse to vote for them, anymore.

        Also, as a Christian I am not going to let an election be decided on the phony abortion agenda MSM likes to try to put off on us. That is a victory that will have to be won in hearts and minds first. I just refuse to vote for anyone who doesn’t support removing some of the authority from the federal government and giving it back at the states.

        Either we get a majority of candidates in the Congress who feel same way, or let the hurting begin sooner. The destruction of America will only run deeper the longer it is put off. Let’s see how long the federal government lasts when there is no private economy to tax. Soviet Union, anyone? Hope to see it all play out, even if i’m starving.

  3. The Iconoclast says:

    We were led on by the treachery of others!

  4. Ivan says:

    Got popcorn?
    Prediction: even if is fixed by the end of the month (unlikely), Obamacare is going to be repealed well in advance of next year’s election. And if the website continues to fail, the push for repeal—from endangered Democrats—will occur very rapidly. The website is a sideshow: the real action is the number of people and businesses who are losing their health plans or having to pay a lot more. Fixing the website will only delay the inevitable.
    Now that people are losing their insurance and finding that they may not be able to keep their doctor after all, Obamacare has become the domestic policy equivalent of the Iraq War: a protracted fiasco that is proving fatal to a president’s credibility and approval rating.

    • Eric Simpson says:

      Seems like a long shot, but you never know, stranger things have happened! A commenter at the article wrote: Re: “the real action is the number of people and businesses who are losing their health plans..” But more troubling: If Obamacare is not repealed, the real action will be the number of people who lose their health.

      • David A says:

        I think yes, unintended health consequences for some, but there will be many more consequences, Fewer Doctors, at the least to a relatively s older (sicker) population and free care for all. The medical schools have been rapidly expanding the number of applicants they accept for years, as total applicants is now going down, but they will fall behind the aging populations demand for care, and a health care system designed to give such care to all, will result in even higher costs then now projected for the payers. All of the above will certainly result in lower compensation for Doctors. FEWER JOBS. Small to medium size companies will simply not expand, fewer people will even start business. The ever higher premiums will take the already shrinking annual household income, and dramatically contract an already reduced purchasing power. This AHCA, will break the American economy, causing much greater demand for not only healthcare, but all social services. The recent rise in car purchasing, due to greatly reduced loan qualifications, not an increasing vibrant economy, will contract, and contract further as the new loans begin to fail, lending standards will be forced tighter. EVEN GREATER COSTS; Sticker shock has just began, as the program will run far greater deficits then projected, and an angry population will not let the unions stay exempt.

    • Gamecock says:

      Interesting theory, Ivan! The dead website is the only thing saving them! I think there is some truth to that.

      It is bizarre to me that Senate Dems run to Obama for relief. Senate Dems created Obamacare, Obama didn’t. Obama was just their marketing man. Since Obama has freely made extra legal modifications of the law, Dem Senators are hoping he will make more in hopes that they might be saved. Of course, Dem Senators could actually draft legislation to do what they want done. It would never get past Reichsleiter Harry Reid, but they don’t really need it to. They just need to be able to tell their voters that they tried.

      • gator69 says:

        No, Senate Dems did not write Obamacare, that’s why they did not know what was in it.

        “I know who’s got my vote for the cutest couple since Bonnie and Clyde. It’s the larcenous lovebirds from Chicago: Jan Schakowsky, the most far-left member of Congress, and her bank robber husband, Robert Creamer, who wrote Obamacare in jail.”

        Easy mistake, as both Senate Dems and Creamer are criminals. 😉

        • Gamecock says:

          The bill arose in the Senate. It is vast. I do not believe that any one person or couple wrote it.

          But my point is that we have a dictator. Members of the Legislative Branch, unhappy how things are going, went to the Executive Branch for relief, rather than create legislation to address their concerns. It is bizarro world.

        • gator69 says:

          It was written by outsiders. The Apollo Group picked up where Creamer left off. What was purported to be writern by elected officials was not, the Dems were handed a script and given strict instructions to pass it. That’s why noone knew what was in it.

        • Gamecock says:

          I don’t believe it. For example, Jonathan Gruber is widely credited with having a major role in crafting Obamacare.

          This failure has many authors.

        • gator69 says:

          “Soros-funded activist: ‘I helped write Obamacare’

          (Real Clear Politics) – NEERA TANDEN, PRESIDENT OF CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS: If I were a conservative, I would just say, ‘I won.’ Okay? They have a centrist plan, there’s competition.

          JAMES POULOS, HUFFINGTON POST & FORBES : You have everything that’s wrong with capitalism and everything that’s wrong with big government. Big business and big government partnering together to create this hodgepodge of a thing –

          TANDEN: Why is that a hodgepodge? Why do you keep saying these words like hodgepodge?

          POULOS: Have you read the bill?

          TANDEN: Yes. I helped write the bill. So yes, I read the bill. I read all 2,200 pages of the bill. And you know like Dodd-Frank and the immigration bill? These are all long bills. The number of pages don’t matter to how complicated it is. There’s been a lot of rhetoric for years. When you have people who can afford healthcare for the first time. When we have a country where you no longer have to go bankrupt because of your healthcare costs. (HBO’s Real Time, May 31, 2013).”

          Congress was handed a script.

          “For those who believe, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe, no explanation will suffice.”
          – Joseph Dunninger

        • Gamecock says:

          And Congress revised it.

        • gator69 says:

          Congress added billions in pork, and then passed it.

    • David says:

      Yes people are mad right now because they can’t get on. Wait till they see how much the plans cost then they will really be mad

    • jason Calley says:

      Ivan, I hope you are correct. I hope Obamacare gets repealed. I hope that nothing at all is what takes its place. I suspect that it won’t happen. Here’s my logic: the US debt is so gigantic (not 17 trillion — try 200 trillion) and the cost of servicing the debt is so huge that the “gummint” aka “national crime syndicate” is desperate for more money to keep the scam going a little longer. A straight tax increase of any magnitude would be too upsetting to a lot of people, so the gummnint always pretends to give you a service while they administer the costs. Gummint always takes a cut from the cost of every service it provides, and now they are trying to control health care so that they can skim their 20% or 30% off the top. The present Obamacare is designed (via high premiums and the no-pre-existing-condition clause) to discourage people from taking out new policies. Many people will just pay a tax penalty and if they do get seriously ill, they’ll look for insurance then. Meanwhile, the IRS will be sucking more dollars from the healthy workers who will find the tax penalty cheaper than the insurance. The only thing better than Obamacare (for the gummint leeches, that is) would be a fully nationalized health care system where ALL the health dollars go straight to the gummint, who would then be the ones to dole out as little actual care as they could get away with.

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