Colorado : Coping With Feminine Hygiene Products Posing As Scientists

First they told us that we were in a permanent drought and the forests were going to be killed by fires and beetles. Then the rains came and they told us that the floods were biblical 1,000 year floods – which they had predicted all along.

Never mind that Colorado has had several well documented rainfalls and floods which were larger during the past century. Never mind that the USGS marker on Boulder Creek never reached the 100 year flood mark, much less the 1,000 year one.

The game they played was that the odds of that much rain falling on one particular rain gauge were very low. This is analogous to saying that the odds of there being a winner in the Colorado Lottery are millions to one, because the odds of any individual ticket winning are millions to one. Only a complete douche bag would make that argument, because there are winners all the time. And there you have it – climate alarmism in a nutshell.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Colorado : Coping With Feminine Hygiene Products Posing As Scientists

  1. Mike D says:

    The problem is you could have 100 random people read that analogy, and probably half of people wouldn’t understand it.

  2. Traitor In Chief says:

    a little Colorado dreamin….

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