Crack Government Scientists : 18 Feet Of Sea Level Rise In The Next 18 Years

Lawrence Journal-World – Jan 14, 1982

Some scientists think that if the sea level rise should speed up and destroy a massive, unstable ice sheet in western Antarctica, the oceans could go up as much as 18 feet and inundate many coastal regions of the world.

‘No one knows how rapidly it can happen,” says Robert Etkins of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. –It could be 50, maybe even 200 years.

Another scientist who agrees is James Hansen of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.

1982 + 50 = 2032. Eighteen feet of sea level rise in the next eighteen years.

ScreenHunter_666 Sep. 17 16.02

Lawrence Journal-World – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Crack Government Scientists : 18 Feet Of Sea Level Rise In The Next 18 Years

  1. If they had a functional brain, they might be able to say something about reality rather than expressing their fantasies, hopes, and dreams. It is all driven by their fear of the future. They cannot stand all those people out there who are doing all those things without their permission. Such as living, working, earning their keep, creating a future for themselves, and striving to flourish.

  2. Bob Greene says:

    Hmm, I made need to move a bit west. I was hoping for beach front property in Richmond, but now I really need to study USGS maps. I may need to be west of the fall line. Darn it, I was planning on the 1-3 feet in the next few years.

    • I have a 2 acre horse property in the Mojave desert. It is only a few miles from the San Andres Fault. It is surrounded by sand and is mostly sand itself. In effect it is beach front property with beach as far as you can see. The beach is even drifting against my property fence line.

      As soon as the part of California west of the fault falls into the ocean, I will also have an ocean view. Unfortunately, the property is at about 2300 feet so it will be a long walk to get to the ocean but the view will be spectacular.

  3. Pathway says:

    The only thing crack about these so called scientist is what they are smoking.

  4. Well, I’m glad they found an explanation why the earth’s rotation is slowing imperceptibly. It’s always good to know why, when imperceptible things happen to you.

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