Distinguishing Important Ice From Unimportant Ice

Climate experts tell us that the only important sea ice numbers are those from the Arctic during September 2007 and September 2012.

Please ignore all other data, particularly the 60% increase in Arctic ice this summer, and the record ice in Antarctica.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Distinguishing Important Ice From Unimportant Ice

  1. Okie says:

    Like Obamacare, this new ice is a “glitch”. If you want to keep your old global warming fraud, you can keep it.

  2. Psalmon says:

    It’s the integral that matters. That data shows a much different picture. With temperature it’s always the integral. Nobody plots the trend of the lowest temp on nov 28 every year and draws conclusions from it. Do the integral of arctic ice yoy and you’ll see. We’ve been duped into arguing over the data presentation that supports AGW.

  3. I want to know about weekend ice levels. I don’t care about week days. I also don’t care about the months that have 5 fridays in them, or ice levels during Jewish Holidays. What interests me most is ice levels during a lunar eclipse. I draw conclusions from that.

  4. tom0mason says:

    So we can only look at important sea ice numbers are those during September 2007 and September 2012.
    Hey, lets look at any convenient time because as the ‘lady’ said –

    “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make”

  5. Chuck L says:

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!


  6. gator69 says:

    Ice in my freezer and beer cooler are important, Arctic ice is unimportant.

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