Ehrlich : Cheap Abundant Energy Is The Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen

Giving society cheap, abundant energy … would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.

– Paul Ehrlich, “An Ecologist’s Perspective on Nuclear Power”, May/June 1978 issue of Federation of American Scientists Public Issue Report

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Ehrlich : Cheap Abundant Energy Is The Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen

  1. gator69 says:

    Ehrlich on idiots.

    “Write what you know.”
    – Mark Twain.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    He has been running the same grift for 40 years, he is still at it. Gotta give a gifted con artist kudos for running a successful scam for so long. The key is to feed clueless journalists easy copy for them to cut and paste into “stories”.

    Simple really, get rich conning the rubes.

    Just like Obama does every day.

  3. Phil Jones says:

    He forgot to add “for everybody else… Cheap energy is good for me but bad for everybody else to have” …

    Typical Self-hating Progressive who cannot see how low cost energy is the cornerstone to a productive, thriving society…

  4. tom0mason says:

    Giving a president an excuse for fuel costs to necessarily skyrocket, is like giving a blind child razorblades.

  5. Andy Oz says:

    Ehrlich = Arrogant narcissistic sociopath.
    Its a common trait with Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot.
    We really don’t know how close to tyranny we get with people like Ehrlich.

  6. methylamine says:

    The real battle before us is an inter-species battle…the 2-4% of humans who are sociopaths and psychopaths, vs. us, the empaths, the “normals”.

    They’re a predator species; all of human history could be rewritten as the continued attempts by this monstrous sub-species to dominate the rest.

    Bereft of creativity, empathy, and remorse they’re driven by their lust to dominate.

  7. Justa Joe says:

    Giving society cheap, abundant energy … would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.
    Giving your average leftie a vote is like giving idiots an assault styled rifle pointed directly at the head of society.

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