Evidence Of A Mass Shooting In My Neighborhood

My neighbors are cleaning nearly 200 pheasants and geese they shot in South Dakota last week. Their girlfriends are thrilled by all the tasty food they brought back.

The way that humans were designed to be, before progressives tried to pervert human nature.

ScreenHunter_155 Nov. 09 11.42

ScreenHunter_156 Nov. 09 11.44

ScreenHunter_157 Nov. 09 11.45

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Evidence Of A Mass Shooting In My Neighborhood

  1. gator69 says:

    When the leftists stop polar bears from hunting, I will consider it.

  2. Andy says:

    I’m just glad they did not take along a GOP person !

    “Their girlfriends are thrilled by all the tasty food they brought back.”

    The way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach. Forget about a holiday in Bora Bora or an expensive dress, nope, just give her a dead duck and ask her to cook it for Sunday lunch. She will be forever happy. No wonder Colorado is about to leave the good old USA and have it’s own country, the women are obviously living on another planet already it seems 🙂



  3. Pathway says:

    Women are never allowed to cook wild game. Their only purpose is to chew the hides.

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