Excellent News : The Guy Who Will Let “You Keep” Your Health Care Plan Will Also Let “You Keep” Your Guns


How does any human being get to be so f**cked up during just one short stay on this planet?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Excellent News : The Guy Who Will Let “You Keep” Your Health Care Plan Will Also Let “You Keep” Your Guns

  1. DirkH says:

    Ganja and crack does that.

  2. nigelf says:

    Worse than that, how does he get elected…twice?

  3. Pathway says:

    Sitting on the knee of a drunken, communist spewing pedophile is how you get so f’ed up.

  4. planet8788 says:

    When has he ever told the truth?
    Every once in a while he slips up and it comes out… (electricity rates must necessarily skyrocket, etc. etc.)

    • Another example of a rare occasion when he told the truth was when in a Chicago radio station interview when he was in the Illinois state senate he said he did not like the Constitution because it was a barrier to wealth redistribution. Then there was also a time when he said he was born in Kenya, which appears to be the truth given his lack of a US birth certificate and the need he had to fraudulently use another man’s Social Security number.

  5. NikFromNYC says:

    “AFP – French riot police fired tear gas at thousands of demonstrators in north-west France on Saturday, after some protesters hurled stones and iron bars at them in a rally against a controversial green tax and layoffs.” / “The ecotax, aimed at encouraging environmentally friendly commercial transport, imposes new levies on French and foreign vehicles transporting commercial goods weighing over 3.5 tonnes. It came under fire from farmers and food sector workers across the country, but especially in Brittany, where the economy is heavily dependent on agriculture.”

  6. Bob Knows says:

    “How does any human being get to be so f**cked up during just one short stay on this planet?”
    A mulatto kid from a racist single mother, and no father in his life. “Adopted” by his mothers latest (non-white) lover, a “figure.” Dumped off on liberal grandparents at a young age. Dope smoking stoner in school. It would have been a lot more surprising if little Barry grew up normal.

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