Exceptional Drought Update


United States Drought Monitor > Data Archive > Tables

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Exceptional Drought Update

  1. Stewart Pid says:

    Looks a lot worse than the alarmists thought 😉

  2. Curt says:

    Wow – using IPCC-style analysis, soon -10% of the US will be in exceptional drought!

  3. Andy DC says:

    Droughts come and droughts go. Hasn’t that been happening since the beginning of time?

  4. Ben says:

    Oh no! Without sufficient drought, there won’t be enough fire for the serotinous Lodgepole Pine!

    We need more drought now…

  5. Bill says:

    Frightening graph. At that rate, we will all drown in a few weeks.

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