Fox News Invents “Climate Pollution”

The task force builds on efforts Obama announced for his Climate Action Plan last June, which include the first-ever limits on climate pollution from new and existing power plants.

Obama uses executive order in sweeping takeover of nation’s climate change policies | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Fox News Invents “Climate Pollution”

  1. Andy Oz says:

    Every word coming from alarmists and political apparatchiks pollutes the climate.
    Perhaps the Task Force could send them all to Antarctica. Especially since it will be the only habitable continent next year, so they all said. I’ll wave them off at the dock.

  2. northernont says:

    I don’t know how else to say it nicely as I watch America self-immolate. You are fucked.

  3. John B., M.D. says:

    Obama the Climate Dictator

  4. Mass civil disobedience (or just my own) is the obvious answer.

  5. “…prepare for droughts and floods…”

    Why does carbon dioxide cause the climate to run away from the exact conditions–72 degrees, mostly sunny with a gentle breeze from the northwest–that are ideal for human comfort? It’s quite remarkable that it causes all weather to move away from that particular center point.

    • Olaf Koenders says:

      It’s an amazing and rare little molecule. There’s nothing it can’t do. Believe in the molecule. Rejoice in the molecule. Bask in its warmth. Embrace it and be saved..

      ¯\ (?) /¯

  6. I failed to notice “Climate Pollution” statement, instead focussing on the statement: “The 12 hottest years on record all have occurred in the past 15 years.” Just what record is being referred to, since 1989?

  7. R. de Haan says:

    This country is run by a wacko.
    Get out as long as you can.

  8. David Jay says:

    Every time I hear “carbon pollution”, I yell “PLANT FOOD” at the television.

    drives the family members crazy…

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