Global Sea Level Trend – 1.08 mm/year

NOAA keeps records on 199 tide gauges which have been active this century. The average sea level rise rate is 1.08 mm/year for that set of gauges – one third of the claimed University of Colorado 3.2 mm/year trend. Eighty-six percent of the tide gauges show sea level rise slower than the fraudulent official 3.2 mm/year.

ScreenHunter_52 Nov. 06 08.55

Linear mean sea level (MSL) Global Sea Level Trends in mm/yr – NOAA Tides & Currents

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Global Sea Level Trend – 1.08 mm/year

  1. gator69 says:

    One should always question the outliers. Avacha Bay, where the Russian coast is being swamped, is an area of intense subsidence and should be thrown out when averaging actual sea level rise.

  2. LLAP says:

    In Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”, one of the big claims he makes is sea level rising 20 feet. At this rate, how long will it take to get 20 feet of sea level rise? 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Thus, 25.4mm/inch x 12inches/ft x 20 ft = 6096 mm. Divide 6096 by 1.08 mm/yr, and you get 5644.44 years!

  3. chris y says:

    Is the 1.08 mm/yr trend based on 2000-2013?
    If so, it is actually pretty close to what NOAA recently published for the trend 2005-2012 of 1.2 to 1.6 mm/yr, by reconciling Argo, Jason and Grace datasets. They also found no SLR contribution from melting glaciers.

  4. Latitude says:

    not exactly…..
    65% of tide gauges show no sea level rise at all…
    ….35% of them are just sinking

  5. darrylb says:

    Glad to see this post, than you Steve, it clears up a question I had earlier.

  6. Leo G says:

    Is the 1.08 mm/yr trend based on 2000-2013?

    It’s close to the average of the annual median value for the 200+ years of historical tide-gauge relative SLR measurements.

  7. marque2 says:

    It is interesting to note, that over the last 18,000 years the average sea level rise is 6.7mm per year. So even the Colorado study is 1/2 the average for this interglacial period. And now we find it is only 1/7th the average. Dang, that is slow.

  8. Vic G Gallus says:

    It would be interesting to look at the average once the top and bottom quartiles are omitted. The justification being the land rising or subsiding is so large that it swamps the rise in sea level. (no pun intended)

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