Global Warming And Overpopulation Will Kill Us All

Greens tell us that global warming is wiping out the human race, killing millions of people – and getting worse. They also tell us that rapid population growth is going to kill us all.

It is amazing that their heads don’t explode from all the self-contradictory ideas which make up their core belief system.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Global Warming And Overpopulation Will Kill Us All

  1. darrylb says:

    Eugenics/ Hitler/ Only those of the green master race shall remain.
    Of course there will be much CO2 to make the planet much greener, something the greens
    never seem to remember!

  2. Yogi Berra said:

    “Nobody goes there anymore, it’s too crowded.” So the population explosion will kill us all except Yogi because he doesn’t go there.

  3. A.D. Everard says:

    “Greens tell us that global warming is wiping out the human race, killing millions of people – and getting worse. They also tell us that rapid population growth is going to kill us all.”

    So, of course, they want to kill us all.

    Global warming isn’t killing millions – green policy to abate non-existent global warming IS.

    These guys are insane! Seriously, there should be laws against this level of lunacy and flat out human hatred.

  4. tom0mason says:

    The Green movement and Pol Pot school of moral philosophy.

  5. scully13 says:

    The Population Research Institute : (population control mythology)
    Population is still technically growing, but according to the United Nation Population Division’s numbers, that growth is slowing dramatically.
    The United Nations Population Division (UNPD) is the most reliable source of population statistics in the world, which is why we use their numbers for our videos. And, according to the UNPD, population growth will continue to slow down over the next few decades. In fact, if current trends persist, our growth will halt right around 8 billion by 2045. After that, our numbers will start to fall off, slowly at first, and then faster. men of dark intentions

    • JimJam says:

      Here is some more.

      YaleGlobal, 26 October 2011
      Global Population of 10 Billion by 2100? – Not So Fast
      With urbanization and education, global fertility rates could dip below replacement level by 2100
      The demographic patterns observed throughout Europe, East Asia and numerous other places during the past half century as well as the continuing decline in birth rates in other nations strongly points to one conclusion: The downward global trend in fertility may likely converge to below-replacement levels during this century. The implications of such a change in the assumptions regarding future fertility, affecting as it will consumption of food and energy, would be far reaching for climate change, biodiversity, the environment, water supplies and international migration. Most notably, the world population could peak sooner and begin declining well below the 10 billion currently projected for the close of the 21st century.

      Joseph Chamie, former director of the United Nations Population Division,
      is research director at the Center for Migration Studies.

      Here is an eye opener.

      The Breakthrough Institute – May 8, 2013 – Martin Lewis
      “In a recent exercise, most of my students believed that India’s total fertility rate (TFR) was twice that of the United States. Many of my colleagues believed the same. In actuality, it is only 2.5, barely above the estimated U.S. rate of 2.1 in 2011, and essentially the replacement level. (A more recent study now pegs U.S. fertility at 1.93.)…..

      …In today’s world, high fertility rates are increasingly confined to tropical Africa…..

      …fertility rates are persistently declining in almost every country in Africa, albeit slowly. Many African states, moreover, are still sparsely settled and can accommodate significantly larger populations. The Central African Republic, for example, has a population of less than 4.5 million in an area almost the size of France……

      …As it turns out, the map of female literacy in India does exhibit striking similarities with the map of fertility. States with educated women, such as Kerala and Goa, have smaller families than those with widespread female illiteracy,…..

      …Thus while the education of women is no doubt significant in reducing fertility levels, it is not the only factor at play……

      That television viewing would help generate demographic stabilization would have come as a shock to those who warned of the ticking global population bomb in the 1960s…..

      To return to our first map, fertility rates remain stubbornly high across tropical Africa. The analysis presented here would suggest that the best way to bring them down would be a three-pronged effort: female education, broad-based economic and social development, and mass electrification followed by the dissemination of soap-opera-heavy television……”

      Fertility rates around the world are tumbling, except in sub-saharan Africa. Humanities problems this century will be too many old people and too few young. That’s when the sh!t hits the fan. It’s already begun in Japan.

  6. It seems if they believe what they say, each problem will solve the other.

  7. John M says:

    Overpopulation is supposed to lead to mass starvation due to inability to produce enough food, but any attempt to develop more prolific, disease- and insect-resistant crops is evil and should be stopped.

  8. Jason Calley says:

    Yes, the CAGW crowd are insane, at least in the sense that “insane” means “harboring a belief system incompatible with the existing world.” The hard core CAGW enthusiast (and yes, they are enthusiasts — they get a strong emotional thrill from their belief in CAGW) cannot be convinced by facts. They will often even express an unwillingness to hear the facts. “No, I do NOT want to see the charts. I don’t care what the graphs are!”

    Bottom line, you cannot argue facts with someone who is living a fantasy.

  9. Andy Oz says:

    Global Warming = Climate change
    Population Control = Population matters
    Edward Bernays would be proud.

  10. Alan says:

    According to Al Gore in his new book, “The Future,” 25% of the carbon dioxide put into today’s atmosphere will still be contributing to higher temperatures at least 10,000 years from now. (page 286). If I read that right, Al Gore claims that we’re already doomed and cannot save ourselves because temperatures will increase through the year 2100 no matter what we do–and in ten years will be too hot for human habitation.

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