Global Warming Protesters Forced Indoors By Snowstorm



Originally about 300 people were slated to participate in the Calgary protest, but due to a snow storm only about 50 showed up.

Anti-pipeline protesters gather in Calgary to decry climate change | Calgary | News | Calgary Sun


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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28 Responses to Global Warming Protesters Forced Indoors By Snowstorm

  1. Alan says:

    Events like this doesn’t discredit the Global Warming Mob–and why not?

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Heavy snow in China, Moscow and Belgium. In November?
    This is extreme.

  3. Stewart Pid says:

    It is only a little nippy here in Calgary at -15 but the next three night time lows are forecast at -20 to -25! GLO-BULL warming my cold, frozen Canuck ass. Gently snowing as I type.

  4. EW3 says:

    Bunch of aging hippies.

  5. Jimmy Haigh. says:


  6. Robertv says:

    Dutch and Irish scientists have discovered that in a computer simulation of the climate a spontaneous mini-ice age has broken out.

    According to the researchers of the KNMI and the UK’s National Oceanography Centre, this computer version of the ice age is a sign that there are “unexpected elements in the climate system.”
    In the computer model that simulates the climate it became suddenly one to two degrees colder.

  7. “The heat from global warming melts the snow so there is more vapor in the air so it can snow more.”

    • F. Guimaraes says:

      It’s “anti-positive” feedback, with warming generating cold and snow generating vapor… or something like that.
      It’s all in the manuals… of the models… 🙂

    • rw says:

      Yes, and since there’s more snow in the Arctic this year, there’s more snow to melt. (I wondered what they would come up with when the open-Arctic explanation fell through – this could be it.)

  8. Chantal Chagnon is an urban Indian. She prefers heated facilities on cold days but sometimes when the wind lets up her band ventures outside into the great outdoors:

  9. WJohn says:

    For those of us on this side of the pond, Chagnon seems a wonderfully appropriate name.
    Can “ad hominem” apply to a woman?

  10. lanceap says:

    Ha!!! Work downtown calgary….and the news didn’t even mention them!!!

  11. Pathway says:

    It appears that none of these women were ever able to get a date with a man, so they find fulfillment in protesting about warm air.

    • Ernest Bush says:

      Darn that pesky cold air. It seems that the Al Gore effect is in play here. Especially since a Warmist protest in Sydney took place under unusually cold, rainy conditions in Sydney in our equivalent of mid-April in the last few days. There was also flooding elsewhere in that region.

  12. I hope their bongo drums weren’t damaged by the storm.

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