Global Warming Would Reduce Hurricanes

Venus is very hot, but has no weather – because it has a uniform surface temperature.

Global warming causes the poles to warm much more than the tropics. This reduces the potential difference in energy between the poles and the tropics, which reduces the amount of heat flow which can occur in the atmosphere. If the poles and equator were at the same temperature, there would be no storms – the Earth’s heat engine would shut down.

Actual scientists understand this, which is why climate scientists don’t – and make idiotic claims like big typhoons being caused by global warming.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Global Warming Would Reduce Hurricanes

  1. Earth has a Sterling Engine. Those things are awesome. They run on temperature differences.

    Some day I’ll run a motorboat across Lake Superior with a Sterling Motor when the air temperature is 90 and the water temperature in 40. All the way across the lake without using a drop of gas or solar, wind or anything but the cold water and hot air.

    Sterling Engines don’t work on Venus I guess.

  2. Tel says:

    I disagree with this analysis, you have to look at the flow of heat. Heat comes from the sun and primarily falls on the Equator, and the poles will always radiate away more heat from Earth than they collect from the Sun.

    Thus we have (on nett) heat entering the system at the Equator and exiting at the poles. This flow must continue to crank the heat engine, it cannot “shut down”.

    If we take the logical conclusion from the evidence and say that the effect of CO2 is small, and the effect of the sun is more significant, then to a first approximation just ignore CO2 and presume that warmer or colder periods indicate greater or lesser amount of input heat (the majority of which lands on the Equator). This may ultimately end up causing the poles to warm as well, but only because the heat flow from Equator to poles has increased (which implies the engine is cranking harder to move more heat). That is to say, warming in the polar regions depends on that heat engine to supply the warmth.

    Remember that the evaporation of water is nonlinear so more energy can be converted without a noticable increase in temperature. In a nutshell the ocean surface just can’t be heated past 30 deg C. See also:

    • The temperature on the dark side of Venus is the same as on the light side of Venus.

      • Tel says:

        On Venus the heat engine operates about 100km above the surface. Same type of heat flow driven by the Sun, same heat engine transport mechanism, but the calm layers at the surface just sit around as innocent bystanders.

        In order for a similar situation to happen on Earth we would need to boil the oceans dry and move all that water up into the clouds. Then we would have a hot, calm, dry surface like Venus, but we would continue to have heat engine activity above the surface, for the same reason as always… gotta move that heat.

    • There’s no coriolis effect on Venus because it rotates too slowly relative to any wind speed there might be, which is slow.

    • X says:

      Thanks for the link, but the existence of an upper limit for ocean temperatures, in an hypothetical warming world, would tend to create less heat gradient between the various regions. Even if the flow of heat continued indefinitely, the intensity of the changes in weather due to the flow would decrease.

  3. How many smoots would the radius of the toilet have to be to have appreciable coriolis forces acting on the water in it?

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