Hansen : Four Degrees Warming In The Next Six Years

ScreenHunter_298 Nov. 13 18.12

ScreenHunter_297 Nov. 13 18.11

The Milwaukee Journal – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Hansen : Four Degrees Warming In The Next Six Years

  1. Phil Jones says:

    There’s been a 17 year pause… Rather than contemplate why all their models and predictions were wrong… The same tools double down on their BS… Making even more outlandish predictions based on nothing….

    This week I’ve seen stories claiming large trees are dying at high rates due to global warming… The oldest plant in the world, a 200,000 year old throng of grass at the bottom of the Mediterranean is of course threatened by Global Warming as well plus development on the coast somehow affects it…. Lastly let’s not forget hysterical claims that Global Warming will miniaturize Large Animals… Except snakes… Someone else claims Snakes will grow super sized and scary like the one in the Smithsonian …

    Absolutely pure conjecture… Yet stuff like this gets published on a weekly basis to incite FEAR…

  2. Robert Austin says:

    Hey, I wondered why the three inches of snow that we got Monday and Tuesday are showing signs of melting. In the days before global warming, snow in early November always lasted until the next May. /sarc

  3. Anthony S says:

    Now, now, no need for hyperbole, that’s only 3.8 degrees in 6 years, not 4 degrees, which is clearly a much more reasonable figure. Clearly.


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